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Message from the Disability Champion

Message from the Disability Champion

I am pleased to present the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2021–2025.

It has been incredibly rewarding to work with the department’s Enablers Network and other stakeholders to develop this action plan. In my role as DPC’s Disability Champion, I am committed to regular engagement across the department to support a culture of inclusiveness and mutual respect. Through ongoing communication and advocacy, we can continue to remove workplace barriers for people with disability.

It may surprise you to learn that more than 18% of Victorians identify as living with disability. The lived experiences of each of these people are unique, which emphasises why it is important that we take an adaptable approach to remove barriers and promote employment opportunities.

As a significant Victorian employer, it is essential that the Victorian Government actively encourages and supports people with disability to participate in the workforce. To that end, the department is working towards a 12% employment target for people with disability. We are well on the way to achieving that goal by 2025 and demonstrating to the broader community that the barriers to employment experienced by people with disability are often surmountable.

The department’s first disability action plan resulted in real changes and improvements to recruitment practices, workplace modifications and general perceptions. DPC has achieved positive results in recent People Matter Surveys, demonstrating improved workplace practices and culture. Furthermore, the work of the Enablers Network has been a valuable channel for open and productive conversations. Sharing experiences has helped identify areas where we can improve support and replicate good outcomes.

This new action plan will build on the strong foundation the department has developed in fostering a positive attitude towards disability employment. The focus in the coming years will be on providing strong leadership to promote an inclusive and diverse workplace that truly represents the community we serve. This will result in improved employee experiences and will position DPC as a model employer for the broader public sector and the Victorian community.

I encourage you all to review the action plan and consider how you can promote a diverse and inclusive approach to employment in your day-to-day work. Together we can ensure disability is seen as an opportunity, rather than a challenge, in our department.

Matt O’Connor
Deputy Secretary, Industrial Relations Victoria, DPC Disability Champion
