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Our ministers

Ministers supported by DPC.

Premier of Victoria

Premier of Victoria

The Hon Daniel Andrews MP

The Premier is Victoria’s head of government. DPC advises and supports the Premier and his portfolio.

The Premier is the main channel of communication between the Governor, as Head of State, and Cabinet, and between the Victorian Government and other state and territory governments.

The following DPC entities are part of the Premier’s portfolio:

  • Office of the Governor
  • Breakthrough Victoria Pty Ltd.

Contact details

1 Treasury Place
East Melbourne VIC 3002

The Hon Danny Pearson MP

Minister for Government Services

The Hon Danny Pearson MP

DPC advises and supports the Minister for Government Services and his portfolio, which includes Digital Victoria and public sector administration and reform.

The Minister for Government Services is also responsible for the following DPC portfolio entities:

  • Cenitex
  • Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
  • Office of the Victorian Government Architect
  • Public Record Office Victoria
  • Service Victoria
  • Victorian Electoral Commission
  • Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal
  • Victorian Public Sector Commission.

In addition to his DPC responsibilities, Minister Pearson is the Minister for Housing, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Regulatory Reform.

Contact details

1 Treasury Place
East Melbourne VIC 3002

Minister for Industrial Relations

Minister for Industrial Relations

Tim Pallas MP

DPC advises and supports the Minister for Industrial Relations and his portfolio. This includes Industrial Relations Victoria, which works towards achieving a positive working environment for all Victorians.

The Minister for Industrial Relations is also responsible for the following DPC portfolio entities:

  • Labour Hire Authority
  • Portable Long Service Authority
  • Wage Inspectorate Victoria.

In addition to his DPC responsibilities, Minister Pallas is the Treasurer, the Minister for Economic Development and the Minister for Trade.

Contact details

1 Treasury Place
East Melbourne VIC 3002

Missing media item.

Minister for Treaty and First Peoples

Gabrielle Williams MP

DPC advises and supports the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples* and her portfolio. This includes oversight of First Peoples–State Relations, which focuses on promoting cultural rights, self-determination, treaty and truth.

The Minister for Treaty and First Peoples is also responsible for the following DPC portfolio entity:

  • Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council.

In addition to her DPC responsibilities, Minister Williams is the Minister for Mental Health.

Contact details

50 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

*The Minister for Treaty and First Peoples was formerly known as the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs until 27 June 2022.

Other officials

Mr Steve McGhie, Cabinet Secretary

DPC’s Cabinet Office provides support to the Cabinet Secretary for the operations of the Cabinet process and supports the Cabinet Secretary in his role.

Contact details


The Hon Sonya Kilkenny MP was the Cabinet Secretary until 27 June 2022, when she was appointed to the ministry.

Mr Nick Staikos, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier

Mr Staikos assists the Premier with his portfolio responsibilities.

Contact details


The Hon Steve Dimopoulos MP was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier until 27 June 2022, when he was appointed to the ministry.
