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Contact the VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Network

Have a question about the network, need further information, support or to speak to someone? Send us a message and we'll get back to you.

People holding the VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Network banner at the 2022 Midsumma Pride March

Join the VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Network mailing list

Sign-up to receive communications from the VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Network, including their newsletter.

The VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Network collects the information that you provide with this form. Your responses are used to respond to your enquiry. You can request access to, and corrections of, any personal information provided in this form.

The network is using the services of Drupal 9 to administer this form. The information that you provide is stored in our Drupal 9 content management system and Microsoft Azure servers, located within Australia.

For more information on the network's handling of any personal information, please refer to the privacy page.

If you do not provide all or part of the information requested, the network may not be able to contact you regarding your enquiry. Please contact the Victorian Public Sector Commission if you wish to use an alternative mechanism to the online form.

The VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Network operates in accordance with Victorian State Government policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, the State of Victoria.


People celebrating the 2022 VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Awards

Nominate for the VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Awards

Got a great project that contributes to LGBTIQ+ Inclusion? Submit your nominations for the VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Awards.