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Step 5: Check in on progress

Throughout the recovery process, community recovery groups (CRGs) should regularly check in on progress of recovery activities, and seek feedback from both CRG members, the community and external stakeholders.

  • What is working well – what actions and achievements were made individually or collectively that positively contributed to the recovery process?
  • Areas for improvement – how can we improve to better support recovery activities?
  • Ongoing issues – what issues will require ongoing work or attention?

By working through these questions with your CRG, together you will develop a shared understanding about your journey to date. It will also help bring to mind the many achievements to be recognised and celebrated. A progress report (see below) can be used to help check in on your progress.

Progress report

A progress report can be used to help check on your progress.

What is working well?

What actions and achievements were made individually or collectively that positively contributed to the recovery process?


Community BBQ was a great opportunity to have a chat and check in on community members.

Areas for improvement

How can we improve to better support our recovery activities?


Strengthen communication from CRG back into the community through social media, flyers.

Ongoing issues

What issues will require ongoing work or attention?


Ongoing discussions with government agencies to reopen tourist sites.
