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Communicating in recovery

For people or organisations working and managing information in a post emergency/disaster environment.


Resource details
Title Communicating in recovery
Owner Australian Red Cross
Resource type Handbook

What is this about?

A guide on communicating in recovery for people working and managing information in a post emergency / disaster environment. It includes methods of communication, inclusive communications and additional resources.

Who is this resource for?

  • State Government
  • Local Government
  • Community Service Organisations
  • Non Government Organisations
  • Community Recovery Committees

Table of contents

General information

  • About this guide
  • What is recovery?
  • What are recovery communications?
  • Three rules for recovery communications
  • Principles for recovery communications
  • Psychological challenges
  • to communication
  • Practical challenges
  • Utilising information ‘conduits’
  • Using images of affected people in your communications
  • Building a feedback loop
  • Communications needs assessment (CNA)

Methods of communication

  • Community meetings Face to face
  • Word of mouth
  • Pamphlets/flyers/ brochures/fact sheets
  • Print newsletters
  • Email newsletters Notice boards
  • Posters/billboards Local newspapers Radio
  • SMS mailouts Websites
  • Blogs
  • Video communication Social media

Inclusive communications: getting the message across

  • Introduction
  • Gender in recovery
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Children
  • (infant, preschool and primary school)
  • Young people (12 - 25 years)
  • Older people
  • Those with a physical impairment
  • Those with a cognitive or
  • learning difficulty
  • Grieving and bereaved
  • Those with literacy issues
  • Those with existing disadvantage Religious groups
  • People with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds
  • Displaced people

Additional resources

  • Dealing with the media
  • How to advocate for forgotten emergencies
  • How to write a media release
  • Monitoring and evaluating your communications
  • Where to find further information Useful websites
  • Useful resources from
  • other organisations
  • Bibliography
  • Templates
