Open the accordions to view the evidence of the progress to date on each of the recommendations of the Two-Year Review.
2-Year Review recommendation
Allocate funding to the Enquiry Line to support the expansion of ISEs and enable real-time data collection to enhance the implementation of the VCIS Reform.
Government response
Support in principle
Evidence of progress to date
- Expanded the Enquiry Line to receive both email and phone enquiries between 9 am-5 pm Monday to Friday from 2019.
- Employed two full time staff to operate Enquiry Line.
- Collected basic data for the Enquiry Line between 2019 and 2021.
- Collected more detailed data for the Enquiry Line from 2021.
- Regularly report Enquiry Line data by number and type at each CISSC meeting.
2-Year Review recommendation
Provide sector peak/lead bodies with support similar to Family Safety Victoria sector grants to strengthen their response to sector-specific information sharing needs, promote cross-sector collaboration, and ensure consistency.
Government response
Support in principle
On Track
Evidence of progress to date
- Implemented CIS Supporting Reform in Place Project, which aims to embed and uplift cross-sectoral networks of ISEs in place to facilitate and support information sharing and practice integration. Was tested in workshops in Doveton (metropolitan) and Robinvale (regional) as part of the initial implementation strategy and has since scaled up to include workshops conducted by 54 Reasons as part of the CIS Grants Program, with further workshops to be conducted.
- Delivered CISS Capacity Building Grants Program to 12 sector leads and peak bodies in 2021-22 to build workforce confidence in CISS and FVISS, and eight in 2022-23 to build workforce confidence in CISS.
2-Year Review recommendation
Provide additional guidance to prescribed workforces on promoting child wellbeing under CISS, informed by an audit of state-wide and sector-specific resources to identify gaps in guidance for a shared understanding of child wellbeing and risk thresholds, and child and family service system roles and responsibilities.
Government response
Support in principle
On track
Evidence of progress to date
- Developed Threshold Part 1 of the Ministerial Guidelines which outlines guidance for professionals to promote child wellbeing under CISS.
- Developed online practice guidance for CISS to provide information for promoting child wellbeing under CISS.
- From 2019, developed a wide range of training through face-to-face materials, eLearning modules, Ministerial Guidelines, and an Enquiry Line, which have clarified workforce roles and responsibilities and additional questions families, carers, children and young people may have about CISS. New materials were developed to support professionals having conversations with children and families, including First Nations peoples and in clear and easy to understand language.
- Updated the ‘understanding wellbeing’ webpage which includes a wellbeing video to provide guidance to professionals post training.
- Commissioned the Child Information Sharing Mapping and Demand Analysis – Wellbeing Frameworks to identify the range of wellbeing frameworks and approaches that ISE professionals use to understand and assess child wellbeing.
- Updated and refreshed training and guidance materials for education workforces.
2-Year Review recommendation
Continued development of capacity in Phase One prescribed workforces under information sharing reforms, using strategies like workforce forums, peak/lead body collaboration, local networks, and local champions' promotion.
Government response
Support in full
On track
Evidence of progress to date
- Awarded $3.4 million in grants to education, health, family service, housing, and Aboriginal peak bodies between 2021-2023 to provide practical support to ISEs.
- Delivered two Sharing Places Workshops in Doveton and Robinvale in March 2023.
- Developed case studies and articles to share success stories across sectors.
- Limited evidence of cross-sectoral communities of practice committed to in the government’s response to the Two-Year Review.
2-Year Review recommendation
That CISS partner government departments work with information sharing entities in their respective sectors to promote compliance with the legislated record keeping obligations under CISS, as explained in the Ministerial Guidelines.
Government response
Support in full
Evidence of progress to date
- Delivered formal training to ISEs about sources of guidance on how to share information and their legal obligations under CISS.
- From 2019, the Department of Education, Department of Health, Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria Police and Court Services Victoria ensured the availability of workforce and sector-specific training to prescribed workforces which outline legislated record keeping obligations.
- Delivered WoVG CISS website with resources and guidance that is audience specific to support professionals, families, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
2-Year Review recommendation
Develop training modules and templates that clarify information sharing entity responsibilities in educating service users about the information sharing reforms, including their implications, entity obligations, and service users' rights.
Government response
Support in full
Evidence of progress to date
- From 2019, the Department of Education, Department of Health, Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria Police and Court Services Victoria ensured the availability of workforce and sector-specific training to prescribed workforces which outline legislated record keeping obligations.
- Implemented communication activities to ISEs from January 2020.
2-Year Review recommendation
Develop and share good practice case studies across a range of contexts through a variety of media, including through innovation workshops and published material.
Government response
Support in full
On track
Evidence of progress to date
- Implemented CIS Supporting Reform in Place Project to provide place-based CISS implementation support in Doveton and Robinvale (and the Mallee region) as part of the initial implementation strategy and will be scaled up.
- Developed scenarios and articles to share success stories across sectors.
- Developed webpage to share grant program resources across sector.
- Projects funded under the CIS Capacity Building Grants Program have included the establishment of sector-specific and cross-sector communities of practice to support good practice in CISS across sectors.
2-Year Review recommendation
In Phase Two of CISS, prioritise strategies for enhancing collaboration among universal, secondary, and tertiary services (both Phase One and Phase Two ISEs) to maximise child benefits and reinforce Phase One workforce contributions.
Government response
Support in full
On track
Evidence of progress to date
- Delivered place-based approaches through the CIS Supporting Reform in Place Project in 2022 with the intention to scale up.
- Delivered the CISS Capacity Building Grants Program
2-Year Review recommendation
Consider providing material clarifying the interaction of CISS with other legislation and standards (e.g., Child Safe Standards, Mandatory Reporting, Reportable Conduct) to ensure proper utilisation of CISS's additional information-sharing powers.
Government response
Support in full
Evidence of progress to date
- Delivered Phase Two implementation activities which outline how CISS supports and works in tandem with both FVISS and MARAM and other legislation and standards.
2-Year Review recommendation
CISS partner government departments should evaluate the sufficiency of CISS's current record-keeping requirements, particularly concerning their role in addressing diverse population groups' needs.
Government response
Support in part
On track
Evidence of progress to date
- Delivered Outcome Measurement Framework in 2020.
- Delivering MRF in 2023.
- Delivered place-based approaches through the CIS Supporting Reform in Place Project in 2022.
- Limited evidence of Monitoring and Evaluation Plan to assess place-based approaches as committed to in the government response to the Two-Year Review.
2-Year Review recommendation
CISS partner government departments should collaborate with diverse and disadvantaged groups through peak bodies and ISEs to identify and address barriers hindering CISS implementation.
Government response
Support in full
On track
Evidence of progress to date
- Implemented CIS Supporting Reform in Place Project to provide place-based CISS implementation support in Doveton and Robinvale (and the Mallee region) as part of the initial implementation strategy and will be scaled up.
- Engaged with sector and advocacy peaks and ISEs as part of the work of the Families and Communities Strategy and the Aboriginal Engagement Strategy as committed to in the government response to the Two-Year Review.
- Advocacy groups that support diverse and disadvantaged groups are represented as part of the grant program and have created resources to support understanding for these groups.
- Progressing language translations of CISS factsheet.
- Limited evidence of Monitoring and Evaluation Plan to assess place-based approaches as committed to in the government response to the Two-Year Review.
2-Year Review recommendation
CISS Scheme partner government departments should support the Aboriginal service sector in providing community engagement to promote understanding of the CIS Scheme and integrate cultural safety throughout its use.
Government response
Support in full
On track
Evidence of progress to date
- Limited evidence of Aboriginal Engagement Strategy as committed to in the government response to the Two-Year Review.
- Delivered place-based approaches through the CIS Supporting Reform in Place Project in 2022 to support culturally safe approaches.
- Delivered the CISS Capacity Building Grants Program.
- Developed specific resource with, and for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities to build confidence and understanding of CISS.
- Progressing language translations of CISS factsheet.
2-Year Review recommendation
CISS partner government departments should collaborate with Aboriginal bodies to create culturally appropriate training and support materials for CISS implementation in both Aboriginal-specific and mainstream ISEs.
Government response
Support in full
On track
Evidence of progress to date
- Engaged extensively with Aboriginal lead bodies on training development and delivery across the service system to ensure cultural appropriateness and alignment with the Victorian Government’s self-determination framework as committed to in the government response to the Two-Year Review.
- CISS Capacity Building Grants Program – provided grants for ACCOs, including VACYPA (Year 1) and the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd (Year 2).
- Delivered place-based projects which support the Aboriginal Engagement Strategy as committed to in the government response to the Two-Year Review.
- Developed specific resource with, and for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to build confidence and understanding of CISS.
- Limited evidence of Monitoring and Evaluation Plan to assess place-based approaches as committed to in the government response to the Two-Year Review.