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Policy environment supporting data mobilisation

This chapter presents the policy mapping and discusses the coverage of policies across the comprehensive monitoring social and emotional competencies and difficulties.

3.1 Purpose of the policy mapping

The purpose of the mapping is to identify government policies supporting the social and emotional well-being of children and young people. This seeks to enable: services to more readily connect data to their day-to-day practice; communities to understand how the competencies fit into service provision; and policy makers to identify where the data may assist policy or resource development.

The mapping relates to Victoria with ‘government policy’ defined as ‘a Victorian Government or nationally agreed statement of required action1’.

The mapping covers whole-of-population policy for services in which all children and young people (birth-21 years of age) are expected to participate.

The specific focus is policies that support the five comprehensive monitoring social and emotional wellbeing competencies and difficulties:

  • Physically Well/Healthy Bodies – i.e. physical wellness, sleep, nutrition and exercise
  • Self-regulation/Trust in self – i.e. attachment security, relationship quality and support
  • Co-regulation/Trust in others – i.e. emotional competence, situation and emotion focused coping skills
  • Global citizenship/Sense of meaning – i.e. development of a social and environmental conscience
  • Difficulties – i.e. depression/anxiety, conduct and behaviour, substance use (adolescence onwards).

3.2 Policy mapping

The policy mapping was undertaken in three parts:

  • Early childhood (birth-5 years of age)
  • Primary and middle school (5-16 years of age)
  • Senior and post school (16-21 years of age)

Early childhood – Social and emotional competencies and difficulties policy map

Service – direct policy

  1. Physically Well/Healthy Bodies
    • Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Key Age and Stage guidelines* (Health and development monitoring – PEDS Qns 6-9, Intervention).
    • Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)** – Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing (e.g. Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing)
  2. Self-regulation/Trust in self
    • MCH Key Age and Stage guidelines (Health and development monitoring – PEDS Qns 6-9, Intervention)
    • VEYLDF – Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity (e.g. Children feel safe, secure, and supported)
    • VEYLDF – Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing (e.g. Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing)
  3. Co-regulation/Trust in others:
    • MCH Key Age and Stage guidelines (Health and development monitoring – PEDS Qns 6-9, Intervention)
    • VEYLDF – Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world (e.g. Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation)
  4. Global citizenship/Sense of meaning:
    • MCH Key Age and Stage guidelines (Health and development monitoring – PEDS Qns 6-9, Intervention)
    • VEYLDF – Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world (e.g. Children respond to diversity with respect, Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment)
  5. Mental health difficulties
    • MCH Key Age and Stage guidelines (Health and development monitoring – PEDS Qns 6-9, Intervention)

Service – supportive policy

  • School Readiness Funding (Wellbeing priority for funding use)
  • National Quality Standard:
    • Quality Area 1 – Educational program and practice (Standard 1.1 Program (i.e. use a Learning Framework), Standard 1.2 Practice, Standard 1.3 Assessment and planning)
    • Quality Area 2 – Children’s health and safety (Standard 2.1 Health)
    • Quality Area 5 – Relationships with children (Standard 5.1 Relationships between educators and children. Standard 5.2 Relationships between children)
    • Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities (Standard 6.1 Supportive relationships with families, Standard 6.2 Collaborative partnerships)

Government policy statements

  • Recent:
    • Victorian Education State Early Childhood Reforms
    • Australian Government Long Term National Health Plan (2019), including a commitment to a National Children’s Mental Health Strategy (children under 12).
    • Australian Government National Action Plan for the Health of Children and Young People (2020-2030)
    • Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (2019–2023)
  • Emerging:
    • Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (2021)
  • Older:
    • COAG National Framework for Universal Child and Family Health Services (2011)
    • COAG National Early Childhood Development Strategy (2009)
    • COAG Healthy, Safe and Thriving: National Strategic Framework for Child and Youth Health (2015)


* The MCH Key Age and Stage Frameworks consists of health and development monitoring, intervention, and health promotion activities.

** The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) sets out outcomes and practices to guide early childhood professionals in their work with all families and their young children from birth to eight years of age. The VEYLDF is an approved early learning framework under the Education and Care Services National Law. Source: ACIL Alen, 2021

Primary and middle school – Social and emotional competencies and difficulties policy map

Service – direct focus

  1. Physically Well/Healthy Bodies
    • Victorian Curriculum Foundation-Year 10 (F-10)*:
      • Learning areas: Health and Physical Education learning area (Movement and Physical Activity strand; Personal, Social and Community Health strand); Technologies learning area (e.g. nutrition)
  2. Self-regulation/Trust in self
    • Victorian Curriculum F-10:
      • Learning areas: Health and Physical Education learning area (Personal, Social and Community Health strand)
      • Capabilities: Personal and Social capability
  3. Co-regulation/Trust in others
    • Victorian Curriculum F-10:
      • Learning areas: Health and Physical Education learning area (Personal, Social and Community Health strand)
      • Capabilities: Personal and Social capability
  4. Global citizenship/Sense of meaning
    • Victorian Curriculum F-10:
      • Learning areas: Health and Physical Education learning area (Personal, Social and Community Health strand), Humanities learning area (Civics and Citizenship strand)
      • Capabilities: Personal and Social capability, Ethical capability
      • Cross-curriculum priorities: Sustainability
  5. Mental health difficulties
    • School operations policy**:
      • Bullying Prevention and Response policy
      • Suicide Prevention and Response policy

Service – supportive policy

  • School operations policy**:
    • Student Engagement policy
    • Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies policy
    • Mobile Phones – Student Use policy

Government policy statements

  • Recent:
    • Victorian Education State Reforms
    • COAG Australian Student Wellbeing Framework (2020)
    • COAG Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration (2019)
    • Australian Government Long Term National Health Plan (2019), including a commitment to a National Children’s Mental Health Strategy (children under 12).
    • Australian Government National Action Plan for the Health of Children and Young People (2020-2030)
    • Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (2019–2023)
  • Emerging:
    • Victorian Youth Strategy (12 -25 years) Discussion Paper (2021)
    • Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (2021)
  • Older:
    • COAG National Framework for Universal Child and Family Health Services (2011)
    • COAG National Safe Schools Framework (2010)
    • COAG Healthy, Safe and Thriving: National Strategic Framework for Child and Youth Health (2015)


* The Victorian Curriculum F-10 consists of Learning areas, Capabilities, and Cross-curriculum priorities. Only mandatory School operational policies related to the competencies are listed. Source: ACIL Alen, 2021.

Senior and post school – Social and emotional competencies and difficulties policy map

Service – direct focus

  1. Physically Well/Healthy Bodies
    • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)* studies:
      • Health and Physical Education study design
      • VCE Vocational Education and Training (VET)** programs – Sport and Recreation; Health
      • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) strands*** – Personal Development Skills strand
  2. Self-regulation/Trust in self
    • VCE studies:
      • Health and Physical Education study design
      • Humanities study design
      • VCAL strands – Personal Development Skills strand
  3. Co-regulation/Trust in others
    • VCE studies:
      • Health and Physical Education study design
      • Humanities study design
      • VCAL strands – Personal Development Skills strand
  4. Global citizenship/Sense of meaning
    • VCE studies:
      • Health and Physical Education study design
        • Humanities study design
        • VCAL strands – Personal Development Skills strand
  5. Mental health difficulties
    • School operations policy**:
      • Bullying Prevention and Response policy
      • Suicide Prevention and Response policy

Service – supportive policy

  • School operations policy**
    • Student Engagement policy
    • Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies policy
    • Mobile Phones – Student Use policy

Government policy statements

  • Recent
    • Victorian Education State Reforms
    • COAG Australian Student Wellbeing Framework (2020)
    • COAG Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration (2019)
    • Australian Government Long Term National Health Plan (2019), including a commitment to a National Children’s Mental Health Strategy (children under 12).
    • Australian Government National Action Plan for the Health of Children and Young People (2020-2030)
    • Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (2019–2023)
  • Emerging
    • Victorian Youth Strategy (12 -25 years) Discussion Paper (2021)
    • Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (2021)
  • Older
    • Victoria's 10-year mental health plan (2015)
    • Victorian suicide prevention framework 2016-2025 (2016)
    • COAG National Safe Schools Framework (2010)
    • COAG Healthy, Safe and Thriving: National Strategic Framework for Child and Youth Health (2015)


* The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) provides diverse pathways to further study or training at university or TAFE and to employment.

** VCE Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs are practical work-oriented programs leading to nationally recognised qualifications and providing credit towards the VCE or VCAL.

*** The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a practical option for students in Years 11 and 12. The VCAL has four curriculum areas, called strands. Source: ACIL Alen, 2021.


1 The focus of the mapping is the policy statement of action rather than the underpinning legislation or associated programs, resources, general advice, or outcomes frameworks.
