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Apply for a child employment licence

Most businesses require a child employment licence or permit to employ children under 15 in Victoria. This page outlines the child employment licence application process.

Language help

An interpreting service is available, and we have translated information in 8 languages.

Application time frames

Submit your licence application at least 10 business days before any children are scheduled to start work, and ensure you provide all mandatory information to avoid delays in the assessment process.

You cannot employ a child until you have a licence.

When assessing an application, we consider whether the applicant:

  • will act with integrity and honesty
  • understands child employment regulations and restrictions
  • can comply with the relevant laws, including the Child Safe Standards.

How to complete an application

1. Log in to our online portal

We will send notifications to the email address you use when you set up your account.

When you create your account, we recommend that you use an email address that is

  • unlikely to change
  • linked to the business, rather than an individual.

Log in to our online portal(opens in a new window)

2. Enter information about the employer

You need to provide information about the employer, including trading name, industry and contact details.

3. Nominated officers and representatives

If you are a body corporate, such as a company, statutory corporation, incorporated association or non-profit entity, you must include details of a nominated officer.

A nominated officer is a delegate of the employer who:

  • is responsible for ensuring that the licence holder complies with the child employment laws and conditions of the licence.
  • participates in or makes decisions about a child’s employment and has a knowledge of the work that the child or children will do.
  • has responsibilities under the Child Employment Act 2003.

Entertainment industry licence

If you are applying for an entertainment industry licence, you must nominate an employer representative who can make day‐to‐day decisions about the child’s work and ensure any licence conditions are met. They have responsibilities under the Child Employment Act 2003 and usually require a Working with Children Clearance.

The employer representative may also be the supervisor of the child or children.

4. Upload a completed Fit and Proper Person Declaration

You must complete a Fit and Proper Person Declaration and submit it along with the licence application.

This document helps us ensure applicants are fit and proper to employ children by seeking information on their compliance history with workplace and other relevant laws. It also helps us to consider matters like integrity and whether a person has had criminal convictions in relation to offending against children.

The declaration must be signed by a person who owns, manages or administers the business seeking a licence.

Fit and proper person declaration
Word 159.69 KB
(opens in a new window)
Accessible fit and proper person declaration
Excel 537.39 KB
(opens in a new window)

5. Enter the employment details

You will be asked where the children will work and what tasks they will perform at work.

6. List any risks and your plan to manage them

All workplaces have risks. In your application, you must identify potential hazards in your workplace. Please consider the child's age and attributes when identifying hazards.

The application allows you to attach any mitigation or job safety plans that demonstrate how you minimise the risk of harm arising from the work or activity that children are undertaking.

Attaching your risk mitigations or job safety plans is not mandatory. By providing this information as part of your application, you an centralise details of the hazards in your workplace and any mitigations you have in place, and demonstrate that the children you are employing are doing light work only.

You can provide this information within the online application or by attaching a document to your application.

Business Victoria and WorkSafe have information on managing risks, and we have industry specific guidance for food and hospitality businesses.

7. Enter information about the child or children

If you already know the child or children you intend to employ under the licence, provide:

  • their name, date of birth and home address
  • the name and contact details of the parent or guardian
  • information about when they will start work and what hours they will work.

You will need to notify us each time you employ a child, through the online portal.

8. Declaration

Complete the declaration acknowledging that the information provided is true.

The declaration must be completed by an officer of the business. An officer is generally someone who has significant decision-making powers within the business, such as a director, partner or executive.

If you are applying for an entertainment industry licence, the officer must also agree to the supervision requirements.

You must have the written consent of a parent or guardian before a child can start employment.

You don’t need to attach the consent as part of the application process, but you must provide it to the Wage Inspectorate on request. We have a template available that you can use.

Parental consent form
Word 163.75 KB
(opens in a new window)

Start your application(opens in a new window)

Police check

Employers may be subject to a National Police Check. If a police check is required, you will be notified after submitting your licence application.

There is no cost to the licence applicant.

Your information is kept secure and will only be used for the purpose of assessing the licence application.
