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Non-financial performance reporting

Performance against output performance measures

Performance measure

Unit of measure

2021–22 actual


Performance variation (%)


Number of government-subsidised pre‑accredited module enrolments funded through the ACFE Board





Key: ◼ Performance target not achieved – more than 5% variance

The above performance measure relates to the calendar year. The 2021–22 actual is lower than the target, due to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on training activity in 2021.

Participation in Board-funded training

In 2021, the Board funded the training of 20,661 Victorians through 245 contracted Learn Local providers, including adult education institutions.

This funding provided access to learning opportunities for:

  • 4,698 early school leavers
  • 535 low-skilled and vulnerable workers
  • 415 Indigenous Australians
  • 6,928 unemployed learners
  • 5,347 people with a disability
  • 528 disengaged young learners
  • 9,943 culturally and linguistically diverse learners.

Note: Learners can be counted in more than one learner group.

Key initiatives and projects

This annual report covers the key initiatives and projects relating to the Board’s Strategy 2020–25. These can be categorised according to the 4 main strategic priorities of the strategy, which are:

  • our learners
  • our partners
  • our people
  • our Board.
