All applicants can access trauma-informed counselling. They can also access financial planning, legal advice and disability supports in relation to the Package.
Package options
If you are found eligible for the package, you can choose any and all of the following:
- a $100,000 lump sum payment
- a personal apology from the Victorian Government
- support for healing programs such as family reunions, reconnecting to Country and language programs
- an opportunity to record and share your story
- access to State records about your removal.
Applications must be submitted by 31 March 2027. You can change or add to your package at any time until this date. These package options shall continue to be available for a period after the application closing date.
Funeral Fund
The Funeral Fund is provided alongside the Stolen Generations Reparations Package and is administered by Connecting Home(opens in a new window).
The fund provides financial support to the families of deceased Stolen Generations Members who have passed away on or after January 1, 2021. Eligible applicants are provided up to $10,000 to cover the costs of a funeral, headstone or plaque and/or repatriation of their Stolen Generation family member.
For more information go to Connecting Home's Stolen Generations Funeral Fund(opens in a new window) or call (03) 8679 0777.
Design of the package
The package was designed by the Stolen Generations Steering Committee (Steering Committee), made up of members of the Stolen Generations, their descendants and community-controlled support organisations.
This community-led process in 2020-21 ensured Aboriginal leadership in the creation of the package. The Steering Committee had input from over 400 members of the Stolen Generations and their families.
The Steering Committee’s Final Report(opens in a new window), with 56 recommendations, was submitted to Government in July 2021. The Government accepted the recommendations for the package design (part one) and is also committed to a whole of government response to part two of the final report. This will form part of the future work of the department.
Package governance
Stolen Generations Advisory Committee
Members of the Advisory Committee are all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, and chosen through an open expression of interest process to provide advice to the department on the implementation of the Stolen Generations Reparations Package.
Members have deep ties into communities across Victoria. Their advice to the department calls on both their lived experience of Stolen Generation policies and their professional backgrounds. Their leadership will help make sure the process continues to be community led.
The Independent Assessment Panel
The Independent Assessment Panel is a non-statutory committee established by the Department of Justice and Community Safety. The panel decides if those who apply are eligible for a Stolen Generations Reparations Package.
When making decisions, the panel considers the recommendations of the Stolen Generations Reparations Steering Committee(opens in a new window), the Bringing Them Home Report(opens in a new window) and the Package Guidelines, including the Package Guiding Principles.
Panel members have been selected because they are:
- members or descendants of members of the Stolen Generations; and/or
- have experience in law, policy development, advocacy, public administration, and decision-making on complex matters and/or redress schemes.
The panel currently has 10 members, including 2 deputy chairpersons. Most members are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Island persons.