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Section 2: Submission and selection process

This section outlines the submission process, selection process, timelines and the assessment criteria for Phase 2

Submission process

How to apply

Applicants must submit their application in full using the Department’s grants management platform, Grants gateway.

To access the link to application forms for grants please visit the Family Violence Research Grants Program: Phase 2 web page

Applications will be assessed solely on the information contained in the application.


For enquiries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please email the FSV Research and Evidence team and quote your application number.

Closing date

Applications must be received no later than 3.00 pm AEST, 3 April 2023. Please adjust for local differences and allow time to resolve any potential connectivity issues if these are relevant.

Submitted applications will be considered final. Late submissions due to extraordinary circumstances may only be accepted at the discretion of the Department.

Selection process

Application assessment process

Eligible applications will be assessed by a number of panels against the assessment criteria. The panels will advise on the eligibility and merit of applications received.

The assessment process is as follows:

  1. A panel assesses all applications for eligibility.
  2. Subject matter expertise panels undertake an initial scoring of eligible applications against the assessment criteria, to provide a preliminary ranking of applications and determine whether more information or clarification is needed. The Department may request more information or clarification of an application, as part of the assessment process.
  3. A lived experience expertise panel reviews applications ranked highly in the preliminary ranking for the ability of these applications to embed lived experience and implement the lived experience guiding elements and makes recommendations to the master panel.
  4. A master panel reviews the top-ranking applications and comes to a consensus before shortlisting preferred projects, determining a final ranking and recommendations for funding.
  5. FSV’s CEO reviews the recommendation of the master panel and recommends the projects for funding to the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence (the Minister).

Key dates and selection stages for Phase 2 grants

  • Applications open

    3.00 pm AEDT, 6 March 2023

  • Applications close

    3.00 pm AEST, 3 April 2023

  • FSV team members assess eligibility of applications and subject matter experts (SMEs) including people with lived experience make an initial assessment of the merit of applications

    By end April 2023

  • A master panel assesses applications that have been ranked highly by SMEs, determines a final ranking and makes recommendations for funding

    By early May 2023

  • The Department briefs the Minister on the recommendations for funding

    By mid-May 2023

  • Minister reviews, approves and announces successful applications

    By end May 2023

  • Unsuccessful grant applicants are notified

    By early June 2023

  • The Department negotiates and executes the funding agreement with the successful applicants and provides the first payment for the grant

    Mid-June 2023

  • Research projects commence

    Late June 2023

Assessment criteria

Provided that applications meet the eligibility criteria, they will be assessed against the following criteria:

Quality, feasibility, and alignment of the project with the intent of the research grants program

  • Appropriateness, quality and feasibility of the research design and methodology.
  • How the project aligns with the research topic identified in the guidelines.
  • How the project’s research focus will continue to build the evidence base and address identified gaps.
  • Overview of ethical considerations, risks and mitigation strategies (including the proposed ethical approach to research conduct).
  • Clear project plan including key milestones and deliverables.

Grant team track record and capability

  • How the team demonstrates the relevant expertise to successfully execute the proposed project.
  • How members of the team demonstrate family violence, sexual violence and harm expertise relevant to the proposed project focus.
  • How the team demonstrates expertise in the proposed research approach to ensure project feasibility.
  • Experience of the team in safely and ethically incorporating partnerships and lived experience within research.

Translation of research into practice

  • Proposed approach to support knowledge translation, both during the project and post project completion.
  • Previous experience in translating research findings into readily implementable actions, suitable for sector-based and government audiences.
  • Demonstrated capacity to prepare resources and reports in plain understandable English (that is, non-academic language).

Appropriateness of the proposed budget, value for money

  • How the project represents value for money and is cost-effective in its approach.
  • How the costs are reasonable and justified in the context of the research project, its methods and the capacity of the applicant organisations.

Commitment to lived experience

  • Strength of the proposed approach to embed lived experience and implement the lived experience guiding elements in the project.

Weighting of criteria

Quality, feasibility, and alignment of the project with the intent of the research grants program 40%
Grant team track record and capability 15%
Translation of research into practice 10%
Appropriateness of the proposed budget, value for money 10%
Commitment to lived experience 25%
