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About the Victorian Training Awards

The Victorian Training Awards showcase and celebrate excellence in the Victorian vocational education and training (VET) sector. The Awards are hosted by the Victorian Skills Authority annually and recognise the achievements of participants in the TAFE and training sector.

Now in their 71st year, the prestigious Victorian Training Awards bring together apprentices, trainees, students, teachers/trainers, training providers, employers and industry representatives, sharing in a high quality training system that meets the needs of all Victorians.

There are 14 general award categories and a special individual award, the Outstanding Achievement in the TAFE and Skills Sector Award.

The Victorian Training Awards are the state’s premier showcase event recognising excellence in the vocational education and training (VET) sector and generating pride and confidence in Victoria’s TAFE and training system.

The public value of the Awards is to set the standards for vocational training in Victoria for employers, training providers and students. This will continually improve vocational training, which in turn increases the employability of students, leading to greater productivity and makes Victoria a more prosperous state.

The Awards provide for broad networking, marketing and promotional opportunities. This year’s Awards ceremony will be held in August/September and will be attended by industry, stakeholders and finalists. The gala event provides opportunities to showcase excellence and innovation to leading representatives of the Victorian TAFE and training sector.

Winners and finalists gain state-wide recognition from industry experts, peers and the Victorian community, while winners in selected categories will represent the state at the Australian Training Awards.
