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Gender Equality Action Plan

Vision: The department is committed to establishing a gender equitable, safe, inclusive and respectful workplace for all staff, and to addressing gendered structural and cultural inequality.

Focus Area 1: Promote equality in the composition of our workforce


  • Improve data capture and analysis to monitor, report and drive improvement
  • Align key policies and practices with business planning processes to promote gender equality and inclusion
  • Embed inclusive recruitment and career development opportunities for all staff to have the same opportunities to progress.

Focus Area 2: Reduce the gender pay gap


  • Build a strong awareness of the importance and benefits of gender equality and drive the message of responsibility for all
  • Promote understanding and availability of leave types and flexible working in all roles and Ievels and for all diverse staff
  • Develop and promote resources to drive change in gendered occupational segregation trends
  • Develop and implement an effective gender impact assessment and reporting process.

Focus Area 3: Ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace


  • Empower all staff to build an inclusive and respectful workplace culture which has shared responsibility from staff and leaders to prevent and address harassment, bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination
  • lncrease the capability of people managers and leaders to address and respond to disrespectful behaviours and complaints
  • Embed a culture of respect and gender equality for school workforces
  • Promote the range of safe reporting options and the supports available for staff experiencing or witnessing disrespectful or inappropriate behaviours.


Annual Implementation Plan

Specific actions we will deliver on the focus areas including measures and accountabilities.

Progress Reporting

To embed a culture of accountability, the department will track progress, measure the impact and report to:

  • the Culture, People, and Integrity Committee every 6 months
  • the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector every 2 years.
