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2021-22 Quarter 1 Fire Services Outcome Framework Progress Report

8 Dec 2021

CFA and FRV have provided their quarterly updates for the period of July-September 2021-22.

The Progress Report: Quarter 1 FY 2021-22 provides a summary of the agencies’ fire service performance data for quarter 1 (2021-22). The CFA and FRV used year one outcomes indicators in this Q1 report as data sets to support indicators under the Year Two Outcomes Frameworks have not yet been finalised.

The Monitor’s quarter one report (2021-22) includes observations on:

  • the importance of transitioning from Year One Outcomes Framework indicators to Year Two Outcomes Framework indicators to enable the establishment of baselines for future years and provide greater insight into progress towards reform outcomes
  • operational performance against the identified fire services performance indicators from the agencies’ Year One Outcomes Frameworks
  • the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on fire services outcomes such as risks to skills maintenance and engagement and education programs.

The Monitor anticipates that both CFA and FRV will report against their respective Year Two Outcomes Framework indicators in Q2. Moving to reporting against the Year Two Outcomes Frameworks is a critical step to enable effective monitoring of fire service performance over the longer term.
