This handbook is designed to provide you with information to assist you in carrying out the functions of a Justice of the Peace (JP) for the state of Victoria. The handbook includes procedures, checklists and examples which will be useful when witnessing and attesting different documents.
If you are a newly appointed JP, this handbook is a tool to help you become familiar with your role and to use as a reference.
For clarification on the information in this handbook, or for information not covered in this handbook, contact the Honorary Justice Services Support (HJSS), Department of Justice & Community Safety (the department) during business hours on 03 9136 3415 or email
Please use this handbook in conjunction with training provided by the department. Training and professional development provides the opportunity to refresh skills and update knowledge about your JP duties, as well as learn from and with other JPs in your area.
Training and professional development options will be advertised via email, HJSS Newsletter and website.