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Who we work with

By working together as a sector, with Traditional Owners, local communities and industries, Victoria can deliver tailored bushfire risk reduction approaches that builds on our knowledge and strengths and reflects local needs.

Victoria’s approach to bushfire risk management is underpinned by shared responsibility and brings together Traditional Owners, land and fire agencies, councils, landowners and the community to work together and manage bushfire risk across public and private land.

“We acknowledge and respect Victorian Traditional Owners as the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters, and their unique ability to care for Country and deep spiritual connection to it. We honour Elders past and present, whose knowledge and wisdom have ensured the continuation of culture and traditional practices.”

“We are committed to genuinely partnering and meaningfully engaging with Victoria’s Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities to support the protection of Country, the maintenance of spiritual and cultural practices and their broader aspirations in the 21st century and beyond.”

Traditional Owners

We acknowledge the deep and enduring connection that Victoria’s Traditional Owners have to Country, and Traditional Owners' cultural obligation to manage Country. We are committed to developing strong partnerships with Traditional Owners and supporting self-determination in land and fire management.

Land managers and fire agencies and councils

Bushfire risk management is undertaken as part of a broader land management strategy, ensuring that our approach keeps Victorians and the things they value most safe whilst also maintaining the resilience of natural ecosystems.

The land and fire management sector work in close partnership with councils to ensure an integrated approach to managing bushfire risk. This involves joint planning and delivery, enabling resources to be directed where they will have the greatest impact in achieving our shared outcomes.

Emergency management sector

We work closely with Emergency Management Victoria and the broader emergency management sector to support safer and more resilient communities.

Landholders and communities

Managing bushfire risk is a shared responsibility. We all have an important role to play in understanding bushfire risk and working within our individual and collective capacity to contribute towards its reduction.

Philanthropists, NGOs, private sector

The work of philanthropic organisations, non-government organisations, and the private sector has and will continue to provide the bushfire management sector with new innovations and novel approaches.

Other jurisdictions nationally and internationally

We work closely with the bushfire sector in other states and territories, and internationally, to share learnings and continuously improve bushfire risk management practices.
