Victorian Major Projects Pipeline 2024-25 - data download
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New projects 2024-25
Project name | TEI range | Project description |
Modernise the Digital Train Radio System (metropolitan) | 100 million - <250 million | Maintain the current Digital Train Radio System to ensure the safe operation of Victoria’s metropolitan train network and investigate options to modernise Victoria’s metropolitan train network telecommunication systems. |
Road Maintenance (statewide) | 100 million - <250 million | Funding is provided to supplement programmed road maintenance activities, for works including road rehabilitation. This initiative contributes to the Department of Transport and Planning’s Road Asset Management output. |
Austin Hospital Emergency Department Upgrade (Heidelberg) | 250 million - <500 million | Funding is provided to expand capacity at the existing emergency department at Austin Hospital and reconfigure existing facilities to improve patient and clinical flows and provide enhanced clinical support functions. Capacity for adult emergency department cubicles will be boosted and a new paediatric emergency department zone will be created. This initiative contributes to the delivery of the Government’s election commitment, ‘A Hospital Plan for our growing Northern suburbs’ as published in Labor’s Financial Statement 2022. This initiative contributes to the Department of Health’s Admitted Services output. |
Monash Medical Centre Redevelopment (Clayton) | 500 million - <1 billion | Funding is provided to upgrade and expand Monash Medical Centre. This will expand capacity in operating theatres, intensive care unit, surgical and maternity in-patient services, and birthing suites. This expansion will deliver better access to quality care for people in the south-eastern suburbs. This initiative delivers on the Government’s election commitment, ‘A bigger and better Monash Medical Centre’ as published in Labor’s Financial Statement 2022. This initiative contributes to the Department of Health’s Admitted Services output. |
Northern Hospital Redevelopment (Epping) | 500 million - <1 billion | Funding is provided to redevelop the Northern Hospital with a new emergency department including a dedicated paediatrics zone, a mental health, alcohol and other drugs hub and additional in-patient beds. Investment will be made in key site infrastructure supporting the expanded hospital including engineering services, improvements to hospital entrances, car parks and nearby roadways and refurbishment of the existing hospital. This initiative contributes to the delivery of the Government’s election commitment, ‘A Hospital Plan for our growing Northern suburbs’ as published in Labor’s Financial Statement 2022. This initiative contributes to the Department of Health’s Admitted Services output. |
Sustaining statewide health service delivery at The Alfred (Prahran) | 100 million - <250 million | Funding is provided to deliver a program of works across The Alfred campus to help maintain the delivery of high-quality critical clinical services such as operating theatres and intensive care and in-patient units. This initiative contributes to the Department of Health’s Admitted Services output. |
Metro Tunnel readiness (statewide) | 100 million - <250 million | Funding is provided to continue preparation activities for day one operations of the Metro Tunnel. |
Essential maintenance and compliance (statewide) | 100 million - <250 million | Funding is provided to government schools for maintenance and compliance programs, including addressing defects in priority assets through the Planned Maintenance Program. |
New Schools construction (statewide) | 500 million - <1 billion | To open in 2026: - Ballarto Road Primary School (interim name) - Casey Central Primary School (interim name) - Clyde Creek North Primary School (interim name) - Clyde Creek North Secondary School (interim name) - Cobblebank Secondary School (interim name) - Horseshoe Bend Primary School (interim name) - Leneva (Frederic Street Road) Primary School (interim name) - Lockerbie Specialist School (interim name) - Mickleham South Primary School (interim name) - Plumpton Primary School (interim name) - Point Cook South Specialist School (interim name) - Tarneit Plains Primary School (interim name) - Toolern Waters Primary School (interim name) - Wallan East Primary School (interim name) - Warralily Park Primary School (interim name) - Wollert Andrews Road Primary School (interim name) Additional stages of new schools: - Mickleham Secondary College - Wollert Secondary School |
Relocatable Buildings Program - providing relocatable buildings to meet growing demand (statewide) | 100 million - <250 million | Funding is provided to procure relocatable buildings to relieve pressure at schools that are reaching their capacity and to provide additional functional spaces for learning. |
Public Housing Revitalisation Program (metropolitan) | 250 million - <500 million | As a part of the Housing Statement released on 20 September 2023, the Government announced Australia’s largest-ever urban renewal housing program: retiring and redeveloping all of Melbourne’s 44 ageing high-rise public housing estates by 2051. Starting with towers in Flemington, North Melbourne and Carlton, a program of works will progressively retire each tower and redevelop each of the sites. Once redeveloped, residents will move into homes that meet modern building standards, while increasing the number of social homes across the sites by 10 per cent and boosting the number of affordable and market homes. This will increase the number of people living across the 44 tower sites from ~10,000 to an anticipated ~30,000. Indicated funding relates to early works and further planning activties underway. |
Regional Housing Fund (regional) | 500 million - <1 billion | The Regional Housing Fund is a $1 billion program to deliver over 1,300 new homes across regional Victoria. The new homes will include a mix of social and affordable housing, and will involve close collaboration with councils, regional partnerships, and local communities to determine the appropriate mix of stock and locations for each region. |
Social Housing Accelerator Program (statewide) | 250 million - <500 million | The Social Housing Accelerator Program will build up to 769 new social housing homes over the next five years with funding from the Commonwealth Government’s Social Housing Accelerator. Announced in June 2023, the Social Housing Accelerator is a $2 billion investment in new social homes across Australia, with $496.5 million provided for new homes across Victoria. This funding will build 769 new homes including low density developments on Homes Victoria owned land, as well as medium and high density developments on Victorian Government owned land and will support the redevelopment of the two towers in Carlton. |