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Victorian Common Funding Agreement forms and templates

The Victorian Common Funding Agreement (VCFA) includes the Standard Form and Standard Form Clause Bank, and the Short Form and Short Form Clause Bank.

Forms included in the VCFA

Standard Form

This is the main agreement of the VCFA, used for most types of funding. The Standard Form is made up of 2 separate documents:

  1. Schedule: Editable template outlining department-specific content related to the funded organisation and the funded Activity.
  2. Terms and Conditions: Non-editable Terms and Conditions.

Short Form

An abridged version of the Standard Form, used for smaller funding amounts or lower risk funding. This document is a stand-alone editable template with its own abridged Terms and Conditions.

Two form-specific clause banks

Each form of the VCFA is paired with a clause bank. Each clause bank contains additional clauses that can be used to tailor an agreement to specific funding requirements.

Victorian Common Funding Agreement can be used in 2 ways - the VCFA Standard Form and the Standard Form Clause Bank, or the VCFA Short Form and the Short Form Clause Bank.

Services for children

The 2013 Betrayal of Trust Report found that survivors of institutional child abuse were sometimes unable to identify an appropriate legal entity to sue, and even if they could, those organisations sometimes did not have enough assets to be sued or meet compensation orders.

In response, the Victorian Government now requires non-government organisations funded to deliver services for children to be:

  • incorporated separate legal entities that can be sued in child abuse proceedings
  • appropriately insured against child abuse

Departments using the VCFA must ensure that eligible organisations meet the above requirements before executing a funding agreement for services to children. Find more information on the Department of Justice and Community Safety website.

VCFA Standard Form and Standard Form Clause Bank

The VCFA Standard Form is the main agreement template of the VCFA, and is used for a wide variety of projects. The VCFA Standard Form is made up of two separate documents - the Schedule, and the Terms and Conditions.

The VCFA Standard Form Clause Bank is used with the VCFA Standard Form. It has additional clauses to tailor the agreement to specific funding requirements. The Clause Bank also contains descriptions of these additional clauses, and where each clause should be inserted into the Standard Form.

VCFA Schedule
Word 168.5 KB
(opens in a new window)

VCFA Standard Form Terms and Conditions
Word 462 KB
(opens in a new window)

VCFA Standard Form Clause Bank
Word 570 KB
(opens in a new window)

VCFA Short Form and Short Form Clause Bank

The VCFA Short Form is an abridged version of the Standard Form. It's for small amounts or lower-risk funding activities. The Short Form is a stand-alone document that contains its own abridged terms and conditions.

The VCFA Short Form Clause Bank is used with the VCFA Short Form. It has additional clauses used to tailor the agreement to specific funding requirements. The Clause Bank also has descriptions of these additional clauses, and where each clause should be inserted into the Short Form.

VCFA Short Form
Word 147 KB
(opens in a new window)

VCFA Short Form Clause Bank
Word 407 KB
(opens in a new window)

Support and supporting documents

If you require assistance, or access to VCFA supporting documents such as the Risk Framework, please email VCFA Support.
