The Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Communities advocates for the rights, safety and wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual communities.
Joe Ball was recently appointed the new Commissioner, starting in the role on 23 September 2024 for a three-year term. Joe is a proud transgender man.

Joe (he/him) is a longstanding LGBTIQA+ advocate. He was the CEO of Switchboard Victoria, where he helped to create the Rainbow Door helpline for family violence and mental health support. He is a member of the Expert Advisory Group for the Federal Government’s 10-year LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing Plan and has worked with many other advisory boards and committees.
In 2020, Joe was honoured as one of Australia’s 50 Outstanding LGBTI+ Leaders.
Victoria is the first state in Australia to have a Commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Communities starting in 2015 with Ro Allen, who is non-binary, as the Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality.
Commissioner Allen changed the role title to Commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Communities.
Dr. Todd Fernando, who is a First Nations queer cis man, was the second Commissioner, serving from 2021-2023.
Commissioner’s role
The Commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Communities works with LGBTIQA+ people to bring their experiences to the government. They give advice on making sure policies, services and programs are safe and inclusive for everyone.
In a time where there’s more discrimination against LGBTIQA+ and intersectional communities, the Commissioner’s role is important. They work with communities and allies to ensure there are supports in place that are culturally safe and accessible.
The Commissioner plays a leading role in the implementation of the Pride in our Future strategy, the Victorian Government’s 10-year plan for LGBTIQA+ equality. This involves all parts of government and the Commissioner helps to make sure it’s implemented across the state.
They also work with community organisations, businesses and others to make sure the needs of LGBTIQA+ Victorians are understood and met.
Equality portfolio
For more information about what the Victorian Government is doing to achieve equality for Victoria’s diverse LGBTIQA+ communities, visit the Equality page on the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing website.