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Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)

The peak body for the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people living in Victoria.

Program details

  • Priority area: Access and inclusion
  • Primary audience: Educators
  • Delivery mode: Consultancy, group training, resources (books, kits, manuals)
  • Strength of evidence: Level 6 – Supported by expert opinion
  • AEDC sub-domains: Physical health and wellbeing – physical readiness for day
  • Item cost: Variable

Program description

VACCHO is the peak body for the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people living in Victoria. It builds the capacity of members by strengthening support networks and increasing workforce development opportunities, and through leadership on particular health areas. It advocates through a range of private, community and government agencies, at state and national levels, on all issues related to Aboriginal health.

Detailed cost

Costs vary depending on the support or resources accessed. Contact provider or visit website for details.

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: children, families and educators in kindergarten settings who require support in the area of cultural awareness and inclusion.
  • Staffing: services should consider the cost of backfill when determining the cost of accessing this resource.
  • Factors to consider: services will need to ensure that cultural supports are appropriate to the local area and community. Supports should be provided in accordance with the VEYLDF. Services should consider how staff may be able to share the practice knowledge they obtain from this resource with others at the service. This will ensure that improved approaches to practice or innovative ideas can be implemented across the service as a whole.

VEYLDF alignment

Item uses these practice principles

  • Reflective practice
  • Partnerships with families
  • High expectations for every child
  • Respectful relationships and responsive engagement
  • Equity and diversity
  • Assessment for learning and development
  • Integrated teaching and learning approaches
  • Partnerships with professionals

Item responds to these sub-outcomes

Not applicable.
