Everyone deserves to be safe, supported, and equal. Help make Victoria more inclusive by supporting our trans and gender diverse communities.

Towards equality
The Unsaid Says A Lot is an Australian-first campaign in support of trans and gender diverse communities. This is a nation leading campaign. It was co-designed, produced and created by TGD communities.
The campaign highlights the many instances of discrimination faced by the trans and gender diverse community every single day.
We want our audience to understand the impact of their non-verbal communication. We do this by translating non-verbal communication and showing the effect it has on trans and gender diverse people.
We're helping people understand discrimination, but also showing moments of allyship and how important it is to be accepting.
We leave our audience with a choice of how they want to engage with the community. The unsaid says a lot. So, what are you really saying?

The Unsaid Says A Lot – Campaign Videos
The campaign videos demonstrates the power of non-verbal communication, raising awareness of its importance within the trans and gender diverse community and to encourage Victorians to become allies.
We encourage you to share these videos with your networks using the most appropriate channels available to you.

Why does it matter?
Trans and gender diverse people experience unacceptable levels of discrimination and inequality.
- Three out of four trans and gender diverse people have been treated unfairly because of their gender identity.
- 43 percent of trans and gender diverse people don’t feel safe on the street
- 32 percent don’t feel safe on public transport.
For more information, read:
Your everyday actions to support trans and gender diverse inclusion can change this.

Be an ally
Discrimination, harassment and abuse are never acceptable. You can be an active ally to trans and gender diverse people.
We encourage all Victorians to take everyday actions to support greater inclusion and acceptance.
We can lead the way in celebrating diversity and the benefits it brings to all Victorians.

What you can do
Please share the videos and social media posts and have conversations with your family and friends.
Each silent gesture or unspoken word carries weight. Think about what you’re really saying.
Find out more about how you can support trans and gender diverse people everyday:

- Trans and gender diverse people are part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual+ (LGBTIQA+) communities.
- The term transgender describes people whose gender identity is different than the identity they were assigned at birth.
- The term gender diverse is an umbrella term that encompasses a range of different gender identities.
Collaborative and inclusive campaign
The Unsaid Says A Lot was co-designed by the Victorian Government, the Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Communities and representatives from:
- Inclusive Rainbow Voices
- Transgender Victoria
- Transcend Australia
- Zoe Belle Gender Collective
The campaign is part of Pride in our future: Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ strategy 2022-2032. Pride in our future is the Victorian government’s plan to drive equality for LGBTIQA+ communities over the next 10 years.
We proudly celebrate and embrace our state’s diversity. We work to uphold the human rights of all Victorians. Every Victorian – without exception – deserves to be safe, supported and equal.'
Use these resources to learn more about the trans and gender diverse community:
- Australian GLBTIQ+ Multicultural Council
- Australian Professional Association for Trans Health
- Inclusive Rainbow Voices
- Minus18
- Pride in Sport
- Proud 2 Play
- Queerspace
- Switchboard
- Trans Equality
- Transcend
- Transgender Victoria
- TransHub
- Zoe Belle Gender Collective
