Study with us

Search for courses
Search for government-funded TAFE courses and related occupations on the Victorian Skills Gateway.

Find a TAFE
Victoria's TAFE network has campuses at over 80 locations across the state.

Learn about training course and qualification levels
From a short course to an Advanced Diploma, this explainer will help you pick the right course level.

Prepare for a career change
Are you looking for a change in career direction? TAFE and training can open new doors.

Get recognition for your skills, experience and past study
You may be able to shorten your course with your existing skills, experience and qualifications.

Apprenticeships and traineeships
Want to earn an income while you gain practical skills and knowledge? Find out how to do an apprenticeship or traineeship.
Career insights

Training and careers in growing industries
Learn about high demand industries in Victoria. Find out where you could work, what kind of jobs you could do, and what training you’ll need.

Employment Projections Dashboard
Explore up-to-date information on in-demand and emerging jobs in Victoria.

Jobs and Skills Atlas
Jobs and Skills Atlas provides an overview of the labour market at national, state and regional levels by occupations, skills and industries.
Study advice and support

TAFE and Training Line
Get help and information about TAFE and training courses, qualifications and training providers in Victoria.

Skills and Jobs Centres
Get free qualified, independent advice and support on training, career planning and finding a job in your local area.

Get financial assistance for training and other expenses
You may be eligible for Free TAFE or Skills First funding to help pay for your training.

Know your rights as a student
Find out your rights as a student before you enrol in a TAFE or training course.

Make a complaint as a student
Find out what to do if there is an issue with your training course or training provider.

Check your eligibility for Skills First funding
You may be eligible to have some of your training course fees subsidised through Skills First funding.

Hospitality Scholarship Program
Study hospitality, commercial cookery or kitchen management with TAFE Victoria’s Hospitality Scholarship Program. Eligible students can receive $10,000 towards their studies at participating TAFEs.
About us
About TAFE Victoria
We help Victorians get the skills they need to kickstart their career, upskill or change career pathways through our network of leading training providers.
TAFE Network Statement of Priorities
The Statement sets out the strategic objectives, priority activities and outcomes expected of the TAFE Network for the year ahead.
Discover more