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Supporting multilingual literacy in ECEC

Get expert advice, access diverse resources, and build capacity to create enriching language environments to support bilingual and multilingual children's literacy development.

Program details

  • Priority area: Access and inclusion
  • Primary audience: Educators, children, parents/carers
  • Delivery mode: Resources (books, kits, manuals)
  • Strength of evidence: Level 3 Promising research evidence
  • AEDC sub-domains: Not applicable
  • Item cost: Low (<$200 per person/item) to Moderate ($200$2,000 per person/item)

Program description

Services can develop a library of bilingual or foreign-language books to support bilingual and multilingual children's literacy development.

The Department of Education and Training has procured support from fka Children's Services (fkaCS) to provide phone consultation and advice to kindergarten services about setting up a library of bilingual books for the children at their service. Services can also buy a membership with fkaCS' Multicultural Resource Centre (MRC) for access to a range of resources and books on a rotational basis. Services can select to engage in facilitated learning to support building their capacity providing language and literacy environments.

Package options

Package 1 includes a list of recommended bilingual and foreign language booksellers and fkaCS Tip Sheet: Selecting Resources and Materials that Strengthen Social Inclusion.

Package 2 includes fkaCS membership, allowing access to exclusive fkaCS member resources, discounted attendance at fkaCS training and events and access to the Multicultural Resource Centre (MRC) lending library. fkaCS' membership runs from July 1 through to June 30 each year.

Package 3 includes fkaCS membership and a Multicultural Resource Centre Outreach Program that supports services by providing a rotational library, where a range of library resources are sent directly to the service 4 times per year

Package 4, 'Engaging in Emergent Literacy with Multilingual Children', includes:

  • the 'Establishing your bilingual library' electronic resource
  • a list of fkaCS recommended bilingual and foreign-language booksellers
  • an fkaCS Pedagogy and Practice Sheet, 'The Value of Storytelling for Children Learning English as an Additional Language' and auditing tool, 'Selecting Children's Books and Materials' for services to evaluate current literature available to children and families
  • parent information sheet 'Reading with Your Young Child', available in community languages
  • a 2-hour facilitated learning session on 'Engaging in Emergent Literacy with Multilingual Children'
  • a list of fkaCS-recommended bilingual and foreign language book titles services can use as a guide when purchasing items to build their bilingual library.

As part of the above packages, services may choose to allocate extra funds to purchase bilingual storybooks to develop/extend a borrowing library for families. fkaCS will support the service in selecting appropriate book titles, however, the purchasing of books will sit with the service.

Detailed cost

  • Package 1: Free
  • Package 2: $275 (including GST)
  • Package 3: $475 (including GST)
  • Package 4: $1,980 (including GST)

Implementation considerations

Target population: children and families from bilingual or multilingual backgrounds.

Factors to consider: a library of bilingual books should be set up and implemented in accordance with the VEYLDF, with particular consideration given to the practice principles of equity and diversity, and partnerships with families.

Staffing: services should consider the cost of backfill when considering the cost of this resource.
Where services have selected package 2 and 3, appropriate time will be required to select and order resources from the Multicultural Resource Centre.

Where services have selected package 4, each participant will be required to attend a 2-hour facilitated learning session, extra time will be required for the service to source, order and set up the lending library of bilingual books.

VEYLDF alignment

Item uses these practice principles

  • Reflective practice
  • Partnerships with families
  • High expectations for every child
  • Respectful relationships and responsive engagement
  • Equity and diversity
  • Assessment for learning and development
  • Integrated teaching and learning approaches
  • Partnerships with professionals

Item responds to these sub-outcomes

Not applicable.
