Being a junior solicitor who’s already had a 20-year career is a little different, but with the EPA this difference is a real positive. Being part of the legal team has given me confidence that my particular set of professional and life skills are valuable, thanks to the inclusive attitudes of my colleagues.
I’m a scientist with a PhD in soil science, honours in biological science — and now a Juris Doctor. Prior to my career change, I worked on projects in agriculture, marine biology and phycology (the study of algae), as well as working with museums in their management of zoological collections.
I retrained as a lawyer and pursued a role with the EPA as it allows me to utilise my science background and work on matters that have a public-interest focus. Another big drawcard was employment security and the work environment — particularly around teamwork, ongoing training and professional development opportunities. When it comes to the work I do, the variety of matters are fascinating. For example, while charges under the Environmental Protection Act can be similar for many matters, the individual facts and prosecution approach varies, which makes for interesting work.
I enjoy working with the team, who are engaging, fun and supportive. Even though we do most of our work online, there’s still capacity for interaction and banter, which I really value. I’ve also been pleasantly surprised by the amount of interaction between different EPA units, especially between legal, investigators and scientists.