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Reducing plastic pollution starts with us

Problematic single-use plastics are now banned in Victoria

Plastic pollution harms our health, wildlife, and the environment

These problematic single-use plastics are now banned from sale or supply in Victoria:

  • Drinking straws
  • Cutlery
  • Plates
  • Drink stirrers
  • Cotton bud sticks
  • Expanded polystyrene food service items
  • Expanded polystyrene drink containers.
Single-use plastics ban, straws, cutlery, paper plates styrofoam and cotton buds

The ban applies to conventional, degradable and compostable plastics.

People who need single-use plastic drinking straws due to disability or medical needs can still purchase and use these items.

The Victorian Government has undertaken a comprehensive, statewide program to assist businesses and organisations to understand and comply with the ban. Over 6,500 retail and hospitality businesses across Victoria have been directly engaged through face-to-face visits by engagement officers.

Victoria’s single-use plastic ban builds on the ban on lightweight plastic shopping bags that commenced in November 2019. More information on the plastic bag ban is available on the Environment Protection Authority website.

How to comply with the ban - free resources are available

The factsheet, poster and postcard below can help your business or organisation comply with the ban.

Frequently asked questions

What is banned?


Single-use plastic straw restriction

Compliance and enforcement

Excess stock

Health and safety

More information
