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New Family Violence Reform Rolling Action Plan launched

Monday 14 December 2020 at 11:59 am

The Family Violence Reform Rolling Action Plan 2020-2023 was launched on 10 December 2020 by the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams. This plan is the next step in the Victorian Government’s 10-year agenda to build a Victoria free from family violence.

The plan has been developed through a coordinated effort across government, reflecting feedback from hundreds of Victorians, many with lived experience of family violence, as well as service providers and family violence peak bodies who provided additional insight.

The size, scope and complexity of transforming the system cannot be underestimated. This plan brings together the substantial reform initiatives of the past four years and integrates new and ongoing family violence projects and programs to ensure the system works for victim survivors.

Over the period of the first plan (2017-2020) the Victorian Government delivered key parts of the reform, such as the establishment of The Orange Door Network, Respect Victoria, Australia’s first Family Violence Command in Victoria Police, and the passing of the Gender Equality Act 2020.

Read the Rolling Action Plan 2020-2023
