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Respect Victoria elder abuse campaign launched

Respect Victoria's latest family violence prevention campaign is now running, encouraging Victorians to call out elder abuse.

Monday 17 June 2019 at 1:18 pm

Launched on the eve of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2019, the campaign is designed to raise awareness around elder abuse, to ultimately prevent it from happening.

More than 200 people attended the breakfast launch, primarily service providers who are working to prevent and respond to family violence, including elder abuse.

The Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Gabrielle Williams MP, Respect Victoria’s Chair, Melanie Eagle, and Chief Executive Officer, Tracey Gaudry, joined the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers, Luke Donnellan MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Anthony Carbines, and the Commissioner for Senior Victorians, Gerard Mansour to launch the campaign.

Research shows that up to 14% of older people may be experiencing elder abuse. Yet the real number is estimated to be much higher because elder abuse is often under-reported.

The 'Respect Older People – Call it Out' campaign urges Victorians to speak up if they notice early signs of elder abuse.

Like other forms of family violence, if these behaviours aren't stopped early, they can escalate quickly and are more likely to lead to violence towards older people.

The campaign includes a mix of advertising across regional and metropolitan doctor surgeries and medical centres, radio, digital advertising across social media, online advertising and regional and metropolitan press.

It will also be supported by a series of printed materials to be distributed to senior services, non-government organisations, councils, libraries and hospitals to raise awareness of elder abuse among their clients and connect them to the range of support services across the state.

Find out more on the Respect Victoria website.

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