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Appendix 2 - Organisations Prescribed in Phase Two


Department of Education and Training

  • government and non-government schools
  • kindergartens
  • long day care
  • relevant non-government school system bodies
  • out of school hours care
  • student disengagement and wellbeing services and programs funded by the Department of Education and Training(opens in a new window) (e.g. LOOKOUT, Navigator, School Focused Youth service, National School Chaplaincy Programme).
  • the Department of Education and Training(opens in a new window) to the extent it delivers child health and wellbeing services (e.g. student support services, incident support and operations centre, education justice initiative, area-based regional staff)
  • doctors in schools

Department of Health and Human Services

  • Ambulance Victoria(opens in a new window) (including contracted services)
  • community health services
  • community housing organisations, including Tenancy Plus(opens in a new window) programs
  • community-managed mental health services
  • forensic disability
  • family records and intercountry services
  • refugee minor
  • homelessness support providers (other than those already prescribed under Phase 1)
  • publicly funded metropolitan, regional and rural health services
  • public health services
  • denominational hospitals
  • public hospitals
  • publicly funded early parenting centres
  • state-funded aged care services
  • supported playgroups

Department of Justice and Community Safety


  • refugee and migrant services


Department of Education and Training

Department of Health and Human Services

  • general practitioners (unable to be prescribed for MARAM)
  • general practice nurses (unable to be prescribed for MARAM)
  • Parentline(opens in a new window) (MARAM only)
