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Remuneration bands for executives employed in public service bodies (Victoria) annual adjustment Determination 2021

The Tribunal is required to make an annual adjustment to the remuneration bands for executives employed in public service bodies.

The Tribunal is required to make an annual adjustment to the values of the remuneration bands for executives employed in public service bodies, set in its Remuneration bands for executives employed in public service bodies (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2020.

The current values of the remuneration bands are available on the Remuneration bands for executives employed in public service bodies page. Bands apply to executives employed in departments, Administrative Offices and the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC).

Update on the Determination process

On 8 April 2021, the Tribunal issued a notice of intention to make a Determination providing for an annual adjustment to the values set in the Remuneration bands for executives employed in public service bodies (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2020.

The Tribunal invited submissions on 2 questions:

  1. What level of adjustment to the values of the remuneration bands should the Tribunal consider?
  2. Are there any other matters the Tribunal should consider when making the Determination, in addition to those listed in the VIRTIPS Act?

No submissions were received.

Once made, the Determination will take effect from 1 July 2021.
