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Priority Area 3: Recruiting and retaining specialist workforce

Building from Strength: 10-Year Industry Plan for Family Violence Prevention and Response was launched in 2016 to lay the foundations for building a supported, valued, skilled and diverse workforce. Five years on, we reflect on key actions and achievements so far.

Thursday 3 June 2021 at 11:32 am

Recruiting and retaining the specialist workforces helps to ensure that specialist family violence response and primary prevention workforces reflect the diversity of the community.

It also ensures that the value of these workforces is recognised consummate with their skills training and experience.

Key project updates

2019-20 Census of Workforces that Intersect with Family Violence

The 2019 Census acquits Action 3.2: Undertake the 2019 Census of Workforces that Intersect with Family Violence.

With the valued support and input of key sector peak bodies, the Family Violence Workforce Census surveyed specialist family violence workforces, primary prevention practitioners and broader workforces that come into contact with family violence.

In total, 5,021 responses were submitted, including:

  • 1,575 responses to the specialist family violence survey
  • 517 responses to the primary prevention survey
  • 2,929 responses to the broader workforce survey

The census helps build a clearer picture over time of the workforces that come into contact with family violence to inform policy to support the growth and development of the workforce and improve responses and prevention of family violence.

Family Violence Workforce Project (Job Role Design)

The Family Violence Workforce Project supports the acquittal of Action 3.3: Undertake research on role design in the specialist sectors and develop options for current and future system requirements. This research will consider related pieces of work including the review of case management, perpetrator interventions and The Orange Door service model, as well as workforce diversity and employment opportunities to embed lived experience of victim survivors.

The Family Violence Workforce Project, to be undertaken by the Future Social Service Institute (FSSI), will:

  • Deepen our understanding of the specialist family violence and sexual assault workforces through an analysis of current workforce roles, the skills and capabilities required to perform these roles, and the current and future workforce requirements for the sector in this unique reform context.
  • Contribute to the further development of a robust, well-funded and supported professional specialist family violence and sexual assault workforce through the development of a suite of strategic planning and human resources tools and resources.

Funded by Family Safety Victoria, FSSI will work closely with the relevant peak bodies including Domestic Violence Victoria/Domestic Violence Resource Centre, No To Violence and Sexual Assault Services Victoria on the project. This collaboration will ensure that the voices and expertise of the specialist family violence and sexual assault sectors are deeply embedded within this work. The 12-month project will be completed by March 2022.

Enhanced Pathways to Family Violence Work

This project will acquit Action 3.6: Continue to deliver the Enhanced Pathways to Family Violence Work project, which facilitates student placements in community services sector organisations, including specialist family violence services, and investigate opportunities to extend its reach into the prevention sector.

The Enhanced Pathways to Family Violence Work Project continues the development of the family violence and community services workforce through funded and supported activities to build the capability and capacity of community services organisations to deliver quality student placement opportunities.

The Victorian Government has invested $12.8 million to deliver three years of the Project, funding 113 organisations that committed to delivering 2,284 student placements along with staff capability and organisational capacity building activities. In 2021, Enhanced Pathways will be coming to a close.

Enhanced Pathways has funded 10 host organisations to each employ a Capability Building Coordinator (CBC) to support an allocated group of participating organisations in meeting project deliverables. In its final year, 53 participating organisations were funded to host over 800 student placements and increase the supervision capability of staff.

The Project has played a key role in creating a pipeline of new workers for the family violence sector and support organisations to grow their confidence and capability to host student placements. The sustainability that has been built through the Project by both Host and Participating Organisations will continue to support further growth in the workforce.

An evaluation of Enhanced Pathways will take place as part of a broader evaluation of the first Rolling Action Plan.

Attraction and Recruitment Campaign and Jobs Hub

The launch of the Attraction and Recruitment Campaign and Jobs Hub acquit Action 3.7: Undertake a targeted recruitment campaign for specialist family violence response and prevention workforces.

The second phase of the Family Violence Attraction and Recruitment Campaign commenced in May 2021, with a particular focus on attracting applicants from diverse backgrounds and new graduates.

Watch the animation for the campaign

Phase 1 of the Attraction and Recruitment Campaign was launched by the Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams in May 2020.

To maximise the benefits from the increasing number of potential candidates visiting the recruitment website during this time, agencies should consider uploading any jobs vacancies onto the Family violence jobs portal.
