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OMR/E6 frequently asked questions

The Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 transport corridor project will have many implications. This page includes a list of frequently asked questions.

Owners and occupiers

How can I find out if land I own or occupy is affected by the project?

If you are a land owners and occupier in Melbourne's west and north-west who believes that you may be affected by the project, you are encouraged to do the following.

  • Check whether your land is in the proposed transport corridor, by conducting a Melbourne Planning Property Report at Melbourne Planning Maps Online(opens in a new window).
  • You can enter the property address and select to view the free Planning Property Report.
  • The Planning Property Report will also tell you whether your land is affected by the other projects which are included in the Delivering Melbourne's newest Sustainable Communities package.
  • View a map of the route for the transport corridor.

Can the Government compulsorily acquire my property?

If your property has a Public Acquisition Overlay over all or part of your property, then that part of your property within the Public Acquisition Overlay can be compulsorily acquired.

When the Government approves the construction of the project, the land will be compulsorily acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986(opens in a new window). Where land needs to be acquired, compensation would be made in accordance with this Act.

However, it is important to note that land will only be acquired when it is needed for construction, which is unlikely to get underway before 2030.

If my property is directly affected, what compensation is payable to me now that the proposed route of the Transport Corridor is public?

In exceptional circumstances, if a land owner is suffering hardship as a direct result of the route, and the owners have unsuccessfully attempted to sell the property by auction on the open market, consideration may be given to purchasing the property.

If my property is directly affected, what compensation is payable as the reservation is now in in place for the Transport Corridor?

Now that the route is finalised in Council Planning Schemes, compensation may be available if you suffer a loss on the sale of your property.

Compensation may also be payable if you apply for a planning permit to develop your land and it is refused on the basis that the land is required for a public purpose.

You should discuss any prospective claim of this nature with an officer from VicRoads’ Property Services as conditions apply.

What happens if I live near or next to the transport corridor but my land is not directly affected?

The Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986(opens in a new window) provides compensation for those directly affected or whose properties would lose road access.
For neighbouring properties, VicRoads may help restore access or negotiate consolidation of adjacent properties, where needed.

General Project Information

What is the purpose of this transport corridor?

The Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor (OMR Corridor) is a 200m wide road and rail reservation which is expected to accommodate a 100km long high-capacity, multimodal transport link for people and freight in Melbourne’s north and west.

What did the planning study cover?

This planning study has considered what land reservations will need to be created for a:

  • possible route for the Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor to link the Princes Freeway near Werribee to the Hume Freeway north of Craigieburn
  • potential link from the Metropolitan Ring Road at Thomastown to the Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor at the Hume Freeway using, in part, the existing E6 reservation
  • potential east-west connection from the Deer Park Bypass to the Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor at Mount Cottrell.
  • the possibility of a link from the Tullamarine Freeway to the Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor will be investigated in the future.

What consultation has already taken place?

The Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 Transport Corridor planning study has covered a very large study area to develop a proposed route. A wide range of different options for the transport corridor were considered.

VicRoads has been working closely with councils and other government agencies to understand any environmental, economic, social or other issues that might arise from the transport corridor proposal.

We consulted with the community regarding the proposed alignment and affected property owners and occupiers were also consulted.

What work has been done in planning the route for the transport corridor?

The Minister for Planning approved a Planning Scheme Amendment that, in part, revised the Urban Growth Boundary, and applied Public Acquisition Overlays for the Regional Rail Link and Outer Metropolitan Ring / E6 Transport Corridors.

Following the passage of the Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution legislation, the Minister for Planning sought and obtained Parliamentary ratification of Amendment VC68 which was gazetted on 6 August 2010 and put in place public acquisition overlays to establish the proposed 15,000 ha grassland reserve, the Regional Rail Link and the Outer Metropolitan Ring / E6 Transport Corridor.

What sort of transport corridor is it going to be?

The OMR will connect the Princes Freeway near Werribee in the west to the Hume Freeway near Beveridge in Melbourne's north and includes both a proposed multi-lane freeway, and a reservation for up to four rail tracks.

It also includes the proposed E6 road that would connect the Hume Freeway in Beveridge to the M80 Ring Road in Thomastown.

The OMR consists of a multi-modal corridor between the Princes Freeway at Werribee and the Hume Freeway at Beveridge, and a road corridor from Beveridge to the M80 at Thomastown.

What forms of rail will the OMR allow?

The OMR section of the OMR Corridor allows for up to four rail tracks – two standard gauge and two broad gauge.

Has the transport corridor be designed to carry buses?

Yes, the reservation will be wide enough to cater for bus facilities.

How long will the transport corridor be?

The Victorian Government is proposing that the Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor be a 100 kilometre long high-speed transport link.

When will the road and railway be built?

The OMR Corridor is expected to be delivered and expanded in multiple stages over a 30 to 50-year plus period to support the ongoing growth and development of Melbourne’s west and north.

How much will the road/rail cost?

The costs will be dependent on the route selected, and the construction costs at the time the project starts.

Will the road have noise barriers?

The need for noise barriers will be determined closer to construction and in accordance with VicRoads Traffic Noise Reduction Policy.
