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The Best Start, Best Life reforms

Learn more about the biggest changes to Victoria’s early childhood education sector in a generation.

We're investing $14 billion to give Victorian children the best start in life.

The reforms will:

  • transform early childhood education
  • provide the best start for children
  • support families with cost-of-living pressures
  • help parents get back to work and study if they choose.

This means:

  • Free Kinder: Free Kinder is available for Victorian 3- and 4-year-old children at participating services in both standalone (sessional) services and long day care (childcare) settings - meaning a saving of up to $2,563 per child, every year.
  • Pre-Prep: Four-Year-Old Kindergarten will transition to 'Pre-Prep' - increasing to a universal 30-hour a week program of play-based learning for 4-year-old children in Victoria.
  • Three-Year-Old Kindergarten: The roll out of Three-Year-Old Kindergarten continues, programs will increase to 15 hours a week across the state by 2029 - providing Victorian children with 2 years of a quality kindergarten program before school.
  • Early learning centres: We’re opening 50 new early learning centres in areas that need them most - making childcare and kinder easier to access. The first 4 centres opened in January 2025, with 14 more to follow in 2026.⁠ These centres are operated by Early Learning Victoria, a new organisation in the Department of Education.
  • Kindergarten infrastructure: Significant investment in infrastructure across the state, including new kindergartens on or near school sites. Substantial grants are available to build, expand and maintain kindergarten services.
  • Kindergarten workforce: Increased investment to attract, upskill and retain quality early childhood teachers and educators - scholarships, incentives, traineeships and career advancement programs are available to support our skilled workforce.

The reform roll-out

  • 2024

    • Free Kinder for 3- and 4-year-old children available at participating services across Victoria.
    • Between 5 to 15 hours per week of Three-Year-Old Kindergarten available across Victoria, increasing to 15 hours by 2029.
  • 2025

  • 2026

    • Pre-Prep: Across the state, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from a refugee or asylum seeker background, and children who have had contact with Child Protection services can access to up to 25 hours of Pre-Prep a week, increasing to up to 30 hours a week from 2028.
    • Pre-Prep: An additional 12 regional LGAs are added to the roll-out schedule. These services will offer between 16 - 20 hours per week between 2026 and 2028, up to 25 hours per week in 2029 and 2030 and up to 30 hours per week from 2031.
    • The next group of the 50 early learning and childcare centres open, with 14 new centres opening in 2026.
  • 2027

  • 2028

    • Pre-Prep: Children across the state who have (or have a parent or guardian who has) a Commonwealth concession card, and children who are a multiple birth child (triplets or more) will have access to up to 25 hours of Pre-Prep a week, increasing to up to 30 hours from 2030.
    • Pre-Prep: An additional 15 regional LGAs are added to the roll-out schedule. These services will offer between 16 - 20 hours per week in 2028, up to 25 hours in 2029 and 2030, and up to 30 hours per week from 2031.
    • The next group of the 50 early learning and child centres open.
  • 2029

  • 2030

  • 2031

  • 2032

    • Pre-Prep: Major regional centres, Bendigo, Ballarat and Geelong, are added to the roll-out schedule. These services will offer between 16 - 25 hours per week in 2032, increasing to up to 30 hours per week from 2033.
    • The final group of the 50 early learning and child centres open.
  • 2033

    • Pre-Prep: Services in Bendigo, Ballarat and Geelong will offer up to 30 hours per week.
  • 2034

    • Pre-Prep: Greater Melbourne (all remaining LGAs) are added to the roll-out schedule. These services will offer between 16 - 20 hours per week, increasing up to 25 hours per week in 2035 and up to 30 hours per week from 2036.
  • 2035

    • Pre-Prep: Services in Greater Melbourne will offer up to 25 hours per week.
  • 2036

    • Pre-Prep: Children across Victoria will access up to 30 hours of Pre-Prep.

50 early learning and childcare centres for Victoria

We're building 50 new government-owned early learning and childcare centres in areas where they’re needed most.

These centres will:

  • offer childcare and kinder
  • be next to schools, where possible
  • be near maternal and child health services and playgroups.

To operate the centres, we created a new organisation in the Department of Education. Named Early Learning Victoria, it provides high-quality early childhood education and care. Its programs:

  • are child-centred
  • focus on learning through play
  • connect with nature and local communities.

2025 sites (now open)
