Arrival(opens in a new window) is a new purpose-built system that will replace the Kindergarten Information Management System (KIMS) for mandatory kindergarten data reporting. Arrival will also include functionality to enable sessional services to collect and report attendance data.
A readiness checklist is now available to support providers and services to prepare for the transition to Arrival.
The checklist includes key steps that providers and services should take to get ready for the introduction of the new system in January 2025.
You can download the checklist from our new Arrival: Guidance and resources(opens in a new window) webpage. This webpage will be updated with materials and resources as services transition to Arrival.
Information sessions
Thank you to everyone who attended an information session in October.
Over the 6 sessions, more than 950 people attended. The sessions provided an overview of Arrival and the opportunity to ask questions.
The information on the Arrival webpages for sessional providers(opens in a new window) and long day care providers(opens in a new window) has been updated to reflect the questions asked and responses shared in the sessions.
Make sure your email address is compliant
Thank you to all providers and services that updated their user emails in the Kindergarten Information Management System (KIMS) ahead of the transition to Arrival.
The department is committed to best practice and high standards for data security and privacy to protect the personal information about children, families, and educators stored in Arrival. Part of this commitment involves implementing strict user access controls to safeguard against data breaches and unregulated access to personal information.
If you need to update any outstanding non-compliant email addresses, please visit our Arrival webpage(opens in a new window) which includes 'step-by-step instructions on how to check and update email addresses'.
Service providers have until Friday 15 November 2024 to ensure all users have compliant email addresses in KIMS.
Services that do not have a compliant email address will not be able to access Arrival to complete Annual Confirmation.
Find out more
For more information, refer to the Arrival homepage.
For further enquiries, email the department’s Arrival Implementation team: arrival.implementation@education.vic.gov.au