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New framework to guide implementation of Aboriginal Holistic Healing programs

Thursday 27 February 2020 at 3:06 pm

Family Safety Victoria is pleased to announce the release of Nargneit Birrang: Aboriginal Holistic Healing Framework for Family Violence.

Nargneit Birrang, (Woiwurrung word meaning “to see the river”) is the culmination of efforts to develop Victoria’s first framework to guide the flexible design, funding, implementation and evaluation of Aboriginal-led holistic healing programs for family violence, informed by the principle of Aboriginal self-determination.

Engagement with Victorian Aboriginal communities began in late 2017 to explore concepts and methods of holistic healing and the needs of communities for both preventing and responding to family violence.

Endorsed by the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum in 2019, Nargneit Birrang has been designed by and for Aboriginal communities who are living in Victoria. The collective wisdom of Aboriginal holistic healing approaches to family violence is reflected throughout the document.

Nargneit Birrang has an ambitious vision:

“through self-determination, Aboriginal individuals, families and communities are safe and thriving”.

The framework outlines a clear framework to addresses family violence impacting Aboriginal people and communities based on six integrated principles for Aboriginal holistic healing:

  1. Self-determination is fundamental
  2. Safety is a priority
  3. Culture, Country and Community are embedded in healing
  4. The past impacts on the present
  5. Healing is trauma-informed
  6. Resilience and hope make a difference

Under each principle, service design characteristics describe what holistic healing approaches might look like in practice from the perspective of Aboriginal people accessing healing, Aboriginal organisations and services delivering healing, and the Victorian Government.

The development of Nargneit Birrang is supported by funding to realise family-centred holistic healing models delivered by Aboriginal services to prevent and respond to family violence experienced by Aboriginal people.

View or download the Aboriginal Holistic Healing Framework for Family Violence.
