- Status:
- Closed
- Who can apply:
- Not-for-profit groups
- Funding:
- $5,000 - $75,000
About the program
The priority response to multicultural communities during coronavirus (COVID-19): Phase 5 (PRMC 5.0 or ‘the program’) offers grants to multicultural and faith organisations in Victoria. PRMC 5.0 ensures organisations can effectively respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and build organisational capacity to further support their communities.
PRMC 5.0 will complement the delivery of PRMC 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 to continue supporting culturally diverse communities that have been affected by COVID-19.
The program guidelines include further information about the objectives of the program, eligibility and assessment criteria and activities that can and cannot be funded. Download the program guidelines before you apply.
Program Guidelines - PRMC 5.0(opens in a new window)PDF 509.94 KBPRMC 5.0 aims to:
- build the capacity of organisations to effectively respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and increase capacity to further support multicultural communities
- build stronger partnerships across the Victorian multicultural sector.
Organisations must:
- be one of the following:
- not-for-profit organisation that delivers services to community
- regional or state-wide peak multicultural/interfaith organisation
- faith-based or community-led organisation representing multicultural and faith communities.
- have a current Australian Business Number (ABN) and have held that ABN on 30 June 2019.
- accept they will deliver all project activities in compliance with the health directions of the Victorian Chief Health Officer and the Victorian Government Department of Health
- not have any overdue reports from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (previously the Department of Premier and Cabinet) funded programs. Overdue reports must be completed and submitted before applying or have negotiated a treatment plan for completion, as agreed with DFFH.
- be one of the following:
PRMC 5.0 will focus on capacity building within community organisations.
Organisations can use program funding for activities that benefit diverse multicultural and faith communities, including:
- staffing and oncosts including professional development initiatives
- job specific training for staff to ensure they are well equipped to continue supporting the community
- any other activities as identified by communities that are accepted by Multicultural Affairs to support multicultural and faith communities to build organisational capacity.
The program will prioritise grassroot organisations, new and emerging communities, and regional and rural communities.
We may receive more applications than it is possible to fund. Not all applicants will be successful in receiving funding under this program.
- activities that contradict current and future health directions and advice from the Victorian Government (throughout the duration of the program)
- activities that do not meet the program objectives and do not benefit Victoria’s multicultural and faith communities
- long-term projects that do not provide immediate and time-limited support or services to multicultural and faith communities
- equipment, including the purchase of mobile phones/tablets/computers/internet connections
- any illegal or regulated product or activity, such as (but not limited to) alcohol, tobacco products, gaming services and weapons
- assets, infrastructure or capital, unless agreed to with Multicultural Affairs
- retrospective activities or purchases (including expenses outside the funding period)
- buying land
- major events, conferences, fee for service and fundraising events
- activities already funded through another grant or funding service
- recurrent or ongoing maintenance and/or operational costs
- activities that are dependent on recurrent annual funding
- cash payments to community members
- prizes or gifts
- buying and fit-out of vehicles
- donations to other organisations
- rapid antigen tests
- purchase of medicines (over the counter and/or prescriptions)
- purchase of any vouchers including food vouchers
- one to one mental health and wellbeing sessions
- emergency relief essentials (including food)
- personal health and safety items such as masks and hand sanitizer
- transportation costs for vaccinations and/or medical appointments and pharmacies for multicultural seniors
- cost of community centre or other venue hire and associated costs to get together again for events, support groups or workshops to rebuild social connectedness.
Application process
How do we apply?
Applications for the program must be submitted via the online portal.
Program open date: Tuesday 19 July 2022
Program close: Monday 22 August 2022 at 3:00PM
Organisations can only submit one application for PRMC 5.0.
Please note that late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
How do we apply if we have an auspice?
You must submit the application from your organisation yourself. Your auspice organisation cannot apply for you.
All organisations (including auspice organisations) applying under this program must have a current Australian Business Number (ABN) and have held that ABN on 30 June 2019.
What if we have technical problems when submitting our application?
If you are having technical problems, such as the form not loading or submitting, try using a different internet browser. If this does not work, please contact the Multicultural Coronavirus Response Team on 1300 112 755 or Multicultural.COVID.Taskforce@dffh.vic.gov.au.
Please allow at least three business days for support and note the Multicultural Coronavirus Response Team are not available on weekends.
Can we nominate someone else to help us with emails?
Yes. Just add the contact details (including email and mobile number) of the trusted person you nominate to communicate on your behalf with DFFH (for example, local council contact, family member) in your application form under the ‘Primary Contact’ section.
Assessment process
How will applications be assessed?
We will assess your application using the assessment criteria outlined below. The Victorian Government’s CALD Communities Taskforce will consider all applications.
The assessment criteria include:
- that the organisation’s proposed project aligns with the program objectives
- the organisation’s capacity to immediately deliver the proposed project and complete the project by 30 June 2023
- being able to demonstrate strong value for public money, with accurate and reasonable costs that are outlined in the project budget section.
The Minister for Multicultural Affairs approves successful recipients based upon recommendations provided by the Department. Once a decision has been made, applicants will be advised of their application outcome.
Can we ask for a reassessment?
All decisions by the Minister for Multicultural Affairs in relation to any aspect of the funding application, assessment process and outcomes are final.
Any unsuccessful organisations can contact the Multicultural Coronavirus Response Team at 1300 112 755 or email Multicultural.COVID.Taskforce@dffh.vic.gov.au to discuss future applications.
What are the reporting requirements?
Grant recipients will need to submit bi-monthly reports and a final report. DFFH will give you the reporting templates.
At the end of the funding period, you will need to submit a final report outlining the use of funding and the activities achieved.
To complete the final report, all funds need to be spent and activities completed before you submit your report by the due date specified in your funding agreement. If you have completed your activities before the due date, you can submit your report early and complete your grant.
Your final report must include the following:
- payroll statement and/or
- financial acquittal statement and
- evidence of funding expenditure (only valid tax invoices will be accepted).
Please note: Statutory Declarations will not be accepted.
What happens if we can’t complete our activities or spend all the money?
It is best to contact the Multicultural Coronavirus Response Team as soon as possible if you can’t finish your activities or spend all the money.
- If the funding agreement has not been signed, then the offer of funding may be withdrawn with no further action required, or
- if the funding agreement has been signed and funds paid, the funds must be returned. The Multicultural Coronavirus Response Team will help you cancel your funding agreement so you can apply for other funding in future, or
- if you have partially spent the grant funds, you must return the unspent funds, but you will still need to submit a final report for the money that has been spent.
There is no negative outcome if you cancel or return grant funds as it shows good financial responsibility, so you will still be eligible to apply for other DFFH grants in the future.
Funding must be delivered in accordance with the submitted budget outlined in your application. Any variance to a budget item above 10 per cent, the Start Date, the End Date, or any Activity deliverable will need to be by agreement in writing with DFFH.
DFFH will not accept any requests for further grant funding if there has been a project overspend.
You can contact the Multicultural Coronavirus Response Team to discuss this further on 1300 112 755 or Multicultural.COVID.Taskforce@dffh.vic.gov.au.
What happens if the COVIDSafe settings change during our project?
It is a condition of funding that grant recipients comply with all current Victorian Government Department of Health (DH) advice regarding pandemic orders and COVIDSafe Settings at all times, while delivering activities under the program.
It is your responsibility to stay up to date with the latest health advice and follow the pandemic orders that are in place. If providing support, guidance or advice to members or the general public, you must ensure this aligns with the current COVIDSafe settings and DH public health advice. This includes, for example:
- health information and advice that you promote to your communities
- following COVIDSafe settings while doing your activities
- providing a safe workplace environment for staff and/or volunteers.
All current information (including translated resources) about pandemic orders, COVIDSafe settings and public health advice can be found on the Victorian Government coronavirus website.
You can also call the COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398. If you need an interpreter, press 0 when you call.
This information is outlined in the funding agreement for all successful grant recipients.
When will successful organisations be announced?
We will publish successful application outcomes on this webpage.
Who signs the funding agreement?
The funding agreement needs to be signed by an ‘authorised representative’ and returned by the due date. An authorised representative is someone in the organisation with the authority to enter into a legal agreement for the organisation, for example, the President, CEO or Chair.
The funding agreement is between the successful organisation (or auspice organisation on their behalf) and the Victorian Government. The funding agreement will include the terms and conditions of the grant including the use of funds, term of the agreement and reporting requirements.
What if we can’t get the funding agreement and other documents back by the due date?
If you think you won’t return the VCFA by the due date, please contact the Multicultural Coronavirus Response Team at 1300 112 755 or email Multicultural.COVID.Taskforce@dffh.vic.gov.au. Organisations that miss the deadline risk losing the offer of funding.
When will we get funds and be able to start our activities?
Funds are provided by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Before we can transfer funds, you will need to complete, sign and return the following documents by the due date in the Letter of Offer:
- funding agreement (signed and all pages returned).
- vendor form (the group’s bank details).
Once we have received your documents (and if applicable, any overdue reports), your grant payment will be processed. This can take up to 30 days. Once funds are received you can start your activities.
Please note, all payments are dependent on an organisation being up to date with reports for existing DFFH (previously the Department of Premier and Cabinet) grant programs.
Help your community stay informed about COVID-19. Find in-language health advice and information on supports to share with your community, including how to access an interpreter.
Organisations funded by the CALD Communities Taskforce through Phase 1 of the program:
Successful grant recipients - Priority response to multicultural communities during coronavirus (COVID-19) (PRMC) Phase 1(opens in a new window)PDF 245.36 KBOrganisations funded by the CALD Communities Taskforce through Phase 2 of the program:
Successful grant recipients - Priority response to multicultural communities during coronavirus (COVID-19) (PRMC) Phase 2(opens in a new window)PDF 344.3 KBOrganisations funded by the CALD Communities Taskforce through Phase 3 of the program:
Successful grant recipients - Priority response to multicultural communities during coronavirus (COVID-19) (PRMC) Phase 3(opens in a new window)PDF 334.94 KBOrganisations funded by the CALD Communities Taskforce through Phase 4 of the program:
Successful grant recipients - Priority response to multicultural communities during coronavirus (COVID-19) (PRMC) Phrase 4(opens in a new window)PDF 90.49 KBOrganisations funded by the CALD Communities Taskforce through Phase 5 of the program:
Successful grant recipients - Priority response to multicultural communities during coronavirus (COVID-19) (PRMC) Phase 5(opens in a new window)PDF 141.56 KB