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More social housing

We’re building more social and affordable homes across Victoria – launching Australia’s biggest urban renewal project on top of our Big Housing Build.

Our Big Housing Build is Australia’s biggest ever investment in public and community housing. We’re building more than 12,000 new homes throughout metro and regional Victoria.

But we know that when it comes to the dignity and security of a home for every Victorian, there’s always more to do – and we’ll get on with it.

Melbourne’s high-rise public housing towers were built after World War II, between the 1950s and 1970s. Constructed at a time that pre-dates current building codes, the towers no longer meet the minimum standards Victorians expect.

Not only will the redevelopment mean households will move into a new home that meets every modern building standard – it’ll boost the overall number of social homes across these sites by 10 per cent, while also boosting the number of affordable and market homes across the sites.

What we'll do
