To be eligible to apply for funding, your application must be for a shed located in Victoria and:
- respond to at least one of the program’s objectives
- show a community need for the project in line with the grant amount requested
- be submitted by an eligible organisation
- be seeking funding for an eligible purpose
- provide a 20% co-contribution
- incorporate the principles of universal design, including disability access requirements (for information on universal design, visit the Victorian Health Building Authority website
- have no outstanding reports from previous Men’s Shed Funding Program grants.
If you are applying for $10,000 or more, the group must have:
- security of tenure in the form of a lease or licence of 5 years or more, or land ownership
- a strategic plan that covers the new or refurbished facility
- detailed design plans (in keeping with the complexity of the project) that include a proven understanding of building permit and planning requirements, including overlays.
Who is eligible to apply for a grant?
To be eligible to apply for grant, applicants must:
- be an organisation incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, Corporations Act 2001(Cth) or equivalent state legislation, or
- be a company incorporated under the Corporations Act and registered as a not-for-profit through the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, or
- if an Aboriginal entity, be incorporated, including Aboriginal not-for-profit organisations, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, Traditional Owner groups and land trusts, or
- be a local government entity
- have appropriate insurance cover (note: these grants do not include insurance cover).
If your group is not incorporated, you may be auspiced by an incorporated organisation for the purposes of this application. You must have a memorandum of understanding (MoU) or Auspice Agreement in place.
To be eligible for funding, organisations must be incorporated and have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
If a men’s shed group is not incorporated with an ABN, it must either become incorporated or arrange for an incorporated organisation to manage the funds. This organisation will be the ‘auspice’ organisation for the grant application. If the application is successful, the grant will be paid to the auspice organisation.
Shed groups with auspice arrangements must have an MoU, or equivalent document, in place with their auspice organisation. The MoU should specify the nature of the auspice relationship and each organisation’s roles and responsibilities. The MoU should also specify the ownership of all assets and funds. Include a copy of the MoU with your grant application.
For information about how to build a successful auspice arrangement and what makes a strong MoU, visit the Victorian Men’s Shed Association.
How to check your organisation type
Who is not eligible for a grant?
The following organisations are not eligible for funding through this program:
- private (for-profit) companies
- sole traders and individuals
- charitable trusts.