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Energy Breakthrough Maryborough

Kids: Energy breakthrough!

Tom Elliot: Energy breakthrough, the greatest educational experience for school children that exists. There it is, in a nutshell. It's an event where the kids can come over here, showcase all their learning, as well as compete in a race, that is just outstanding. And for primary school kids to be in an actual race with lights and all the rest of it, it's just the greatest.

Noah: We all come together as a five/six class and built the paint, and also picked out designs for our trike. Our trike name is "Strive" and HPV is "Thrive".

Zeva: This year I'm in the HPV, which is human powered vehicles. And, I've already had my race today, but hopefully I'll be able to get back in it tomorrow. It is pretty hot in there. So when we get out, we get ice jackets, icy poles. It’s pretty cool.

Tom Elliot: You're talking renewable energy. STEM: science, technology, engineering and maths. These are the things that this event is all about. But it's really around how they can save the environment, be better for the environment, reduce waste, and then a fun experience where they get to actually physically race at the end.

Zeva: It's a great opportunity. It's so much fun. You get to work as a team with all your friends and you mates. It's just incredible.

[End transcript]
