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Conservation Regulator - Rules in state forests

From bushwalking and camping to off-road driving and trail bike-riding Victoria's state forests offer a great range of recreation opportunities. At the Conservation Regulator, our role is to educate the community about what they can and can't do on public land and enforce the rules that protect our forests, parks, and reserves from harm.
Campfire negligence can cause bushfires. So please follow these rules to help keep you, the community, and the environment safe.
Before lighting a campfire, plan ahead by checking the weather conditions and warnings on the VicEmergency website or app. It's illegal to light or maintain a fire during a Total Fire Ban and campers are responsible for being up to date with this information.
If available, always use a purpose-built fireplace, if not, dig a trench for the campfire at least 30 centimetres deep and make sure three meters around and above the campfire is clear of flammable materials. Any branches or logs placed on the campfire must be less than one metre long.
Always stay within sight of your campfire and use water, not soil, to completely extinguish the fire before leaving, even for a short while Always have a bucket of water on hand and make sure there will be enough water to totally extinguish the fire when you're finished.
Any rubbish should be bagged up and taken home, not burned or dumped, including aluminium cans.
If you leave your campfire unattended or we detect you with an unsafe campfire during our patrols, you could face a fine or be charged.
If you're planning to explore our forest by four-wheeled drive or trail bike, don't forget all the usual road rules apply. Drivers and motorcyclists must be licensed, and vehicles registered and must only use roads that are open to the public. Remember, some roads are closed seasonally because of weather conditions and will have gates blocking entrances.
It's illegal to take vehicles off formed tracks and roads as it damages native vegetation destroys wildlife habitat and can put the safety of other forest users at risk. To avoid any surprises, drivers can check road and track statuses ahead of time online.
As Authorised Officers, we target illegal off-road activity through specific operations and regular patrols throughout the year and those caught breaking the rules will face penalties.
We encourage anyone with information about illegal campfires, rubbish dumping and illegal off-road vehicles to report it by calling 136 186. But, of course, in an emergency such as a bushfire or vehicle accident always call 000 first.
We want all Victorians to enjoy their time outdoors safely and responsibly.
For more information, go to
