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Selective Entry High Schools – Application Process

[Student voiceover] If you’re interested in applying for a Selective Entry High School, you need to complete an online application form to sit the entrance exam. Make sure you check out the annual Information Pack for key dates and to determine if you’re eligible to apply. For example, you must:

  • Be in your second year of secondary schooling or its equivalent, Year 8.
  • Have not previously sat the exam for Year 9 entry
  • Be an Australian citizen, or a New Zealand citizen residing in Australia, or be a holder of a visa or ImmiCard

If you’re eligible to apply, this is what you need to complete your application:

  1. your Victorian Student Number (if applicable)
  2. A method of payment (unless you’re eligible for the equity consideration category). Equity consideration is only available to low-income families and students who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. You will need to submit your Centrelink Customer Reference Number to apply under this category.
  3. Approximately 10-15 minutes

In the application, you need to indicate your order of school preferences. You can pick up to three school preferences but you may choose to only list one or two schools.

You should only list schools that you are prepared to accept and would like to attend.

Before submitting your order of preferences, think about the distance from each school, transportation, extracurricular activities courses offered and educational environment. Visit each school’s website to understand more about the school before submitting your order of preferences. Think about what is most important for you and your learning when making this decision.

The order of preferences is important. You should put the most preferred school as number one. If you qualify for more than one school, you will be offered the highest preference from your preference list for which you qualify. You may receive an offer in a later round for a higher preference school. However offers for one Selective Entry High School are not transferable to another Selective Entry High School. If you have been offered your first preference, you cannot receive an offer for your second and third preferences.

It is important that equitable opportunities are provided to all eligible students wishing to apply for a Selective Entry High School. Once an application for the exam has been submitted, you can also make a submission for ‘special arrangements’ for when you sit the exam, if required. To request ‘special arrangements’, complete the form and follow the guidance for how to provide relevant evidence by photographing or scanning documentation for upload to the portal.

If you have any questions about the application process, please visit our Victorian Selective Entry High Schools webpage for more information and key dates and times.

[Department of Education logo transitions onto screen, followed by the Victorian State Government logo]

[On-screen text: Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne]
