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Heads and Tails

(gentle music)

John Canty: Hi, I'm John Canty. This is my book "Heads and Tails." I have long furry ears and a small nose.

[pages of book shown with illustrations]

John Canty: I live in a burrow in the ground. I have a white fluffy tail. I am a rabbit. I am covered with slippery scales.

I am long and thin. My bite can be poisonous. I am a snake. I have a striped furry coat.

I live in the jungle. I am the largest of all cats. I am a tiger. I live in water.

I breathe with my gills. I swim with my fins. I am a fish. I have a big horn on my nose.

I have a thick rough hide. I roll in mud to stay cool. I am a rhinoceros. I am enormous.

I am heavy. I have big ears and a long trunk. I am an elephant. I have a hard shell.

I purr. I am a cat. I have a strong scaly tail. I have powerful jaws and small legs. I have rows of sharp teeth.
