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Victorian Skills Plan for 2023 into 2024 explainer video

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Victorian Skills Plan for 2023 into 2024 explainer video


Watch this explainer video to see how the Victorian Skills Plan 2023 into 2024 continues to drive the skills roadmap in Victoria.

The Victorian Skills Plan underpins Victoria’s skills roadmap, to help TAFEs and other training providers plan for courses, industries ensure they have the workers they need, and Victorians with education and training pathway choices for success in work and life.


1 minute, 48 seconds


Tuesday 24 October 2023

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Female voiceover: The Victorian Skills Plan underpins Victoria's skills roadmap. The plan covers 4 broad priorities:

  1. Recognising the diversity of Victoria's employment needs
  2. Post-secondary education skills and career pathways
  3. Lifting participation
  4. Delivering the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

These priorities incorporate recommendations across 6 areas for action:

  1. Giving learners a voice; engaging with learners to understand their aspiration and better meet their needs.
  2. Supporting participation; providing equitable access to education and training for all Victorians through better pathways and support will ensure no one is left behind.
  3. Empowering self-determination; facilitating First Nations peoples-led change in the skills system to deliver real education and training benefits in the spirit of treaty.
  4. Delivering higher-order skills; providing better pathways for learners to up-skill and re-skill to meet our economy's need for highly skilled workers.
  5. Embedding applied research into vocational education; helping our TAFEs be at the cutting-edge and empowering learners with new skills, to help our industries and communities thrive.
  6. Creating a more responsive system; empowering our TAFEs to be agile and responsive to emerging industry and place-based needs.

The Victorian Skills Plan supports the social and economic prosperity of Victoria.

Find out more at Victorian Skills Plan.

Victorian Government logo.

Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

[End transcript]
