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A Day in the Life of... Latoya: A Integrated Family Services Coordinator (full version)

My name is Latoya.

I am a proud Kaanju Kalkadoon Torres Strait Islander woman.

I am the Integrated Family Services Coordinator at Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service.

I was working at a Aboriginal Legal Service.

I was there for quite a few years and an opportunity came up to study, a diploma in Community Services.

So I put my hand up because working in that legal sector, there's really no room to grow and move forward unless you want to get into law.

An opportunity to work Boorndawan came up and I was like, okay, I'm going to give that a go.

And as soon as I got here, everything had to do with that diploma that I was in.

So it really, really helped and Boorndawan was very supportive in letting me complete my diploma when I started work here.

In case management, there's no such thing as a like planned day.

Everything is just different.

Every day is different.

It could be going out on outreach and supporting community members,

it could be me jumping in on allocation meetings when we have other services that want to refer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to Boorndawan.

It's quite easy for me to work with our mob because I bring that, that cultural knowledge as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman. And that comfortability and that safe space.

I talk to them like they're like part of the family.

I feel what they feel because I've been through that.

Just like I went on my healing journey, I would, you know, put myself in a position where I can help others to go on their journey to healing and living a happy life.
