So we do adult education, so Learn Local.
We were working with a lot of the other Learn Locals in Gippsland
to revamp our delivery.
We started partnering with industry, which has been a fantastic result.
Central Gippsland Health decided that
they'd love to partner with a Gippsland-based Learn Local
and we put our hand up to run it and it's grown from there.
TAFE Gippsland are brilliant.
They are fully supportive of the Learn Local programmes
so they give us space to do our programmes and they also provide us with resources.
So their team come in and sit down with the students and do mock job interviews.
They provide them with support once they finish the programme.
The students can go to the skills and job centre and just drop in and ask for help.
The learners, they get an insight into their application process.
They get to meet department managers, they get to meet the HR Team.
They get to know the recruitment process for that particular business.
So it's almost like they're getting these secret tips that nobody else knows about
that will make their resume stand out or make something
that they say in an interview stand out.
And to watch them go through that process over 6 to 8 weeks
and grow and grow in confidence and start to get an understanding
of how they can bring skills to the workplace.
It's a transformation.
So the partnership with Central Gippsland Health is crucial to the success
of the Kickstart programme.
We work very, very closely with them in the lead up to the launch
of the programme.
So each year we look at the content of the course.
We change it because their workplace is constantly changing.
If an organisation was thinking of picking up
Learn Local training and they had community development
as one of their goals or is one of their core values
of the organisation, I would say go for it.
You can make real change in the community through Learn Local programmes.
When they finished the programme, after, you know, six or seven weeks,
stay in touch with them, so that is key, listen to their story,
see where they are,
see what they've achieved, because they do achieve some great things..