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A Day in the Life of… Emily: A Specialist Family Violence Practitioner

My name is Emily.

I'm a Senior Specialist Family Violence
Practitioner working in the family violence sector.

This is the beginning stage of a client's
journey, and my role is to ensure

that they are receiving the appropriate
service relevant to their needs.

So it's about critically thinking,
problem solving

and analysing the presenting factors
to best determine the support needs.

I studied a Bachelor of Arts

and I majored in psychology
and criminology.

Once I completed my degree,
I then went into crisis accommodation.

I was working with victim survivors
who were homeless

as a result of family violence.

We rely on our colleagues every day
in order to make assessments.

So that looks like having secondary
consults, discussing the circumstances

in the referral to determine the best
practice for the specific referral.

We may potentially need advice
on the presenting factors

in order to determine how to best assist
the family or individual.

Given that I've had the experience
of working in case management, it's

allowed me to not only assess client's
potential support needs,

but also determine
whether there might be a need

for ongoing long term case management.

I've found a passion for working

with the culturally
and linguistically diverse communities

and really supporting them to have agency

and have a say that they may not have
because they don't have the confidence

or the language barriers
in order to access supports.

It's encouraging knowing that
we're working within a field in a sector

that is progressive
and is that there is a motivation

for change to ensure that there we’re
better supporting the community.
