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Reservoir Lunchtime Club Final



Audio Description


My belief is that if a student has one extra thing that they're connected with at school, when times get tough when they go through high school,

Establishing shot of Reservoir High School exterior and entrance hall.


and high school is difficult for teenagers, that one extra point of connection really gives them something to look forward to when coming to school.

Interview with Principal Andrew McNeil.


Close up of students playing chess.


The Lunchtime Clubs are a collective of activities that we like to run during the course of the year at the school in order to facilitate engagement, and also get the kids thinking of school in a more holistic manner, rather than just about the academic side.

Interview with Lunchtime Clubs Coordinator George Lyras.


It makes me more excited to come and have something to do at lunchtime.

Students crafting and cutting out shapes.


It's more fun than just doing learning all day.

Interview with student Brooke.


It makes me feel more motivated to come to school, and to

Students playing chess.


participate in school activities.

Interview with student Daniel.


By offering programs and things that young people are interested in, it gives them something to do.

Interview with Principal Andrew McNeil.


I enjoy just hanging out with my friends and doing activities.

Teacher helping students to cut out shapes.


Like, the crafts clubs. I think the crafts are really fun to do and you actually get a product to take home.

Interview with student Brooke.


For schools which

Teacher helping students to cut out shapes.


are new to the idea of Lunchtime clubs, I would suggest starting with a small number of clubs.

Interview with Lunchtime Clubs Coordinator George Lyras.


Give it a trial run. That's how we did it in the beginning. We said, "Let's try these half a dozen clubs, see what sort of response we get from the kids.".

Students on exercise bikes, playing chess and close up shot of gym weights.


The current form of our clubs did not happen overnight. It happened over the course of four years.

Interview with Lunchtime Clubs Coordinator George Lyras.


Shots of students in the gym and clapping.


We have a clubs expo at the start of every year, where both the student-led clubs and also the teacher-led clubs, we meet in the library. All the teachers and students are there selling what their clubs do. Students can come around and ask questions about the different clubs. It's completely open to all students to visit.

Interview with Principal Andrew McNeil.


They go home raving about

Students using rowing machine and playing chess.


what we do at the school. "Mum, Dad, did you know that there's a weights club

Interview with Lunchtime Clubs Coordinator George Lyras.


at Reservoir High School?". When you get that sort of response, you know that you're doing something right.

Students lifting weights in the gym.


Every year we survey the students, with the Attitudes of the School survey. And we identified what the students were telling us about connectedness. And we identified that to really create connectedness,

Interview with Principal Andrew McNeil.


we have to put opportunities and programs in place for the


Close up shots of students smiling.


I wanted to join the Lunchtime club because my friends are a part of it, and I like the teacher that was running it.

Interview with student Max.


I get to hang out with my favourite teachers, and get to know more about their personal life.

Interview with student Daniel.


With Lunchtime clubs, you get to actually hang out with them and talk, and experience their personalities.

Interview with student Brooke.


And they get to see your personalities too, other than your

classroom self.

Teacher helping students to cut out shapes.


Lunchtime clubs are a great way to meet people. Currently, I'm a part of the film club, so we just watch some movies there. And I sometimes get to pick some movies.

Interview with student Joseph.


So teachers are always on board for any opportunity to build connections with young people.

Close up shot of Teacher & Student.


The hard part is timetabling it, and providing the time in our busy curriculum and busy schedules.

Interview with Principal Andrew McNeil.


It really helps create a more

Student in gym and close up shot of student cutting paper.


harmonious, inclusive and engaging environment for everybody.

Interview with Lunchtime Clubs Coordinator George Lyras.


And it translates into improvements in all aspects of school life.

Students cutting out shapes and the teacher supervising them.


Fade to black / Title Screen.
