Hi friends, I’m Todd Fernando. I’m a queer Wiradjuri man, I use he/him pronouns, and I have the pleasure of being your Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities.
I’m proud and excited to introduce Victoria’s Rainbow Ready roadmap.
This guide will help us all in delivering Pride in our future: Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ strategy 2022-32.
The roadmap is a series of resources that will improve the lives of LGBTIQ+ Victorians across our state…
...By building on the work of the Rural Regional Roadshow to create even more inclusive and supportive communities and growing our allies across regional and rural Victoria.
We’ve listened to our communities. We know there is work to be done.
Proudly developed in partnership with LGBTIQ+ communities, the roadmap provides guidance on practical steps and actions…
…That community groups, local governments, health and community services, businesses, and learning environments can all take…
…to become Rainbow Ready!
It’s a resource to help those who understand the challenges that LGBTIQ+ communities in regional Victoria face…
… by providing a step-by-step toolkit to determine the best actions to build safe, strong inclusive communities across our state.
We know that our entire community benefits when LGBTIQ+ communities are supported…
…And I look forward to working with you to see the positive impacts the Rainbow Ready roadmap brings to our fabulous rainbow communities in rural and regional Victoria.
For more information about the rainbow ready road made, please visit the link below.