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Gender Equality Action Plan - Message from the Secretary

[On-screen text: Jenny Atta PSM, Department of Education and Training Secretary]

Jenny Atta: Hello everyone. I'm pleased to launch our Gender Equality Action Plan for 2022-2025.

More than 15,000 staff from our corporate and teaching workforces contributed to this plan, which maps out practical actions based on shared responsibility and an understanding that gender equality benefits us all.

This plan is not just for women. It's for every single staff member.

Our action plan has three focus areas.

It will promote equality in the composition of the workforce through inclusive recruitment and career development opportunities for all staff.

It will reduce the gender pay gap by removing barriers to full and equal female participation and helping to shift thinking around parental and caregiving responsibilities.

And it will ensure a safe, inclusive, and respectful workplace for all staff by challenging negative behaviours in the workplace.

This plan is our commitment that we will work together to dismantle gender bias and strive for equality.

As the department continues to shape the lives of young Victorians, it will also serve our next generation of learners.

It will truly be a catalyst for change.
