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Margaret Jackson AC

In 2000, Margaret Jackson became the first woman Chair of QANTAS.

Honour Roll

Margaret Jackson graduated in Business from Monash University in 1973 after completing her schooling at Warragul High School.

She is one of the first women in Australia to hold multiple board positions with major companies. From January 1993 to June 2001, Margaret was a highly successful Chair of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) with its very effective advertising campaign to lower the road toll. At the same time she was a Director on the Boards of BHP, Pacific-Dunlop, Playbox Theatre, Australian Wool Corporation and St Vincent's Medical Research Institute.

Currently Margaret is the first woman Chair of Australia's major commercial airline, QANTAS, Director, ANZ Banking Group, Deputy Chair of People Telecom Ltd and Director of Billabong International.

Outside of work, she is Chair of the Methodist Ladies College Council, Director, Howard Florey Institute, Director Brain Imaging Research Institute and board member of the Australia Foundation for Culture and the Humanities Ltd.

Margaret is an inspiration to all she meets, especially those who wish to succeed in the business community with integrity and respect.
