Local Anti-Racism Initiatives Grants Program 2024-26
About the program
The program funds First Peoples, multicultural and multifaith community organisations and groups to deliver community-led responses to racism.
It forms part of the Victorian Government’s vision for a more inclusive state under the Victorian anti-racism strategy 2024-29.
There are four key objectives:
- increase broader community understanding and awareness of racism, its impact and the importance of anti-racist behaviour and practices at the local level
- promote awareness and understanding of First Peoples’ history and culture, and the historic and ongoing impacts of colonisation
- support local communities and community organisations to build their capacity to respond to racism and support affected individuals
- improve community reporting of racist incidents and understanding of people’s rights.
Funding available
Over $2 million will be available through the Local Anti-Racism Initiatives Grants Program.
Funding will be shared across two streams:
- Up to $150,000 for First Peoples-led or community-controlled organisation local anti-racism initiatives
- Up to $150,000 for multicultural and multifaith community organisation local anti-racism initiatives
Find out more about funding eligibility in the full program guidelines.
Applications will close on midday, Thursday 6 February 2025.
Successful recipients must deliver their initiatives by 18 December 2026.
Application assessments are underway and announcements are expected in mid-April 2025.
How to apply
Program guidelines